Perimenopause - The Physical and Mental Symptoms
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Is anyone finding it a tremendous struggle to deal with the physical and mental symptoms of perimenopause? I am turning 52, and I have been dealing with this for three years. I just feel so fed up and exhausted by it all.
Please share. It's nice to know that you aren't the only one:)
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Trisha111 bev27429
Yes! I do not know who I am anymore. I miss the old me. I think my husband and children miss the old me. I am 49 and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Every day there is a new symptom. I had never even heard of Perimenapause until I started researching my symptoms. I have extreme anxiety, night sweats, dry mouth, burning mouth syndrome, hot flashes of course and out of nowhere have lost a ton of weight because I have no appetite.
I cannot say I am always tired or fatigued but I just do not want to get out of bed. I am depressed and moody as well. I used to be this happy go lucky person without a care in the world.
I cannot imagine another day let alone several years of this. How was I not warned or aware this would be so hard. It makes me sad for my husband and kids. I have always been the strong one but feeling really weak lately:(
bev27429 Trisha111
Thanks so much for sharing, Trisha! I completely agree. I had no idea about perimenopause until it hit me. It has been such an intense, unpredictable, and draining experience. I really can't imagine anything much worse than this.
I just keep forging ahead, best as I can, and I keep telling myself that this can't last forever.
cazza1974 bev27429
hi, new to this... has anyone had sweaty hands and feet?! a little random i know! I’m 45 and wondering if I’m entering perimenopause? i had a partial hysterectomy 10 years ago, but kept my ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix to stave off the meno
Kadija1966 bev27429
Its a daily struggle for me too, i use to be a strong woman, now i feel so weak with all these symptoms attacking me on a daily basis, my family and friends doesnt understand me, as most people my age i speak too had a smooth menopause, few symptoms. I keep asking whats wrong with me?
The worse for me is the blood pressure spikes, headaches, anxiety in the evenings, why evenings? during the day im mostly fine, last night my bp was quite high i ended up in the ER, 198/100, luckily my local hospital is 10 minutes drive from my home and easy to get assistance, during the day my bp its usually 120/70, im taking meds for my bp and still it can spike in the evenings. I just dont understand why.
Ive gone off my food, nausea on and off, loss lots of weight, i use to love swimming, long walks, but past 7 months i dont do much and just dwell on my symptoms and why i feel this way, mentally and physically its affecting my quality of life. Its left me feeling scared, a permanent worrier, no control, fear.
I am divorced and live with one of my adult sons, luckily for his company as i have this fear of being on my own, whereas before all this i use to love my solo life. So yes menopause has affected me mentally and physically.
Ella23ps Kadija1966
I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. I am sending you a prayer. You did however answer your own question. Your BP is rising every evening because of your evening anxiety. Anxiety causes it and you are setting yourself up to have this every night. Even if you do not have anxiety mentally one night your body will remember this if you let it happen enough times. You are programming your body to see evenings as a time of anxiety and high Blood Pressures. What I am trying to say is your body will began to have panic attacks without the brain because your BP and your heart rate work together. When your heart rate goes up so does your BP. Your emotions and your memories will effect your heart rate. When you get excited, stressed, upset, nervous, afraid, your heart rate will go up and you will have a spike in your blood pressure. Do this enough and your autonomic nervous system will remember it and you can get it stuck in a sympathetic state. 4-7-8 Breathing helps, Valerian root, rescue remedy, CBD oil, and HRT. Please do everything you can to stop it before it gets too bad. When it begins immediately lay down and start slowly breathing. One thing that's very important to always remember your body cannot be in a sympathetic state and a parasympathetic state at the same time when you're deep breathing you put your body in a parasympathetic state and that's where you want to be and your heart rate and BP will come down.
fran54078 bev27429
yes. I agree. menopause/perimenopasue symptom is draining and horrendous. I am miserable. I am sick and tired of this. I don't know when this is going to end.I miss the old me so much. I can't wait to have my old self back.
sam71845 bev27429
I feel exactly the same I'm 43 with two young children (4 and 18 months) and all I can think is that I am dying and I'm going to leave them motherless. I just feel so ill all the time like everything is a struggle. I've had numerous blood tests and have raised liver enzymes so have to go for a scan and I have convinced myself that I'm dying.
I feel like I have been hit by a bus most days and just pray for when I can go to bed to lie down, just feel like I'm wishing my life away. Feel so nauseous constantly on top of the fatigue and anxiety. Also feel so light headed and dizzy not to mention headaches. Nobody else I know seems to be having all these symptoms hence why I'm convinced I'm dying.
I was at work today and nearly had to leave a meeting to ring my husband to check my daughter hadn't somehow got out of the house and been taken or run over. I cry all the time and over react and shout. I feel like I'm a different person and not a better one.
I am seriously considering HRT depending what my scan says because if this lasts for years I cannot cope!
Sorry long message but nice to get it out with others going through the dame thing.
Hopefully one day we'll look back on all this. x
april71774 sam71845
I have fatty liver disease. Hormones wreak havoc on your liver. Yay perimenopause!
sam71845 april71774
I actually looked online a bit and saw that oestrogen levels can affect your liver so wondered if it was all related. All my other bloods are fine so I'm assuming its
nothing too bad.
Hope you're OK , how do you manage the fatty liver or is there not much you can do?
cindy17746 sam71845
I have elevated liver enzymes as well. My doctor did not seem concerned. Chalked it up to hormones.
kmazz47 sam71845
I have the lightheaded, foggy feeling almost every day and I hate it. I'm 48 and struggle with fatigue and anxiety. This just started happening within the last few months. Before then I could walk 2-4 miles a day and now when I go to set out on a walk I get this feeling like my legs are jelly and have to turn around and head back home. All my blood work has come back completely normal so I just chalk this up to hormonal changes but like you, I just want my old self back. It is reassuring to some degree to see that I'm not alone.
cindy17746 bev27429
I am over it. I get a few good days, followed by a couple of bad days. Every damn week. Every once in a while, I break down from it. It's a lot to handle.