Perimenopause Vitamin B supplements
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I am in the depths of perimenopause. I am taking 1000 ug of B12 and 100 mg of B6. Is this enough ?
I suffer with doom and gloom every other day. Anxiety heart palpitations on and off . Headaches every day,no energy because of interrupted sleep . Hot flushes off and on etc .....
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kezzabird30 michelle46271
I feel exactly the same hun. I have now made an appointment with the doctor as I cannot cope with the anxiety. I have never had that in my life. I have lots to be happy about and yet I am miserable and can cry and cry for no reason. I have been taken all vitamins i possibly can and they dont seem to make any difference. I am also taking macafem (herbal medicine i found online at amazon) the first 2 months they helped keep the doom and gloom at bay but not anymore. x
michelle46271 kezzabird30
I was wondering how you are feeling now? Xx
Shelly0069 michelle46271
i was in exactley that same position as you months ago.
Suffered for 10 months, sooooooo unhappy. Nothing at all made me happy,
i eventually made an appoitment with a doctor and was per scribed Sertline,
i was extremly Dubois about this medication, read all about it ( googling can make things worse) you have to try it yourself everyone's body reacts differently towards things.........
i however gave this medication a go, and been on this for 8 months & feel loads better.
as for the headaches????? I suffer with migranes and I was getting them an awful lot and was put on Propanolol as a prevention also take Sumertription when I get a migrane!!!!. No hot flushes yet though,
why not go and see your GP and see what they recommend?
carnt hurt to see? And got to be better than suffering!!!
Sertline will also help with the anxiety!!.
Zigangie michelle46271
Also worth considering is a good multivitamin and magnesium.
Snowbell1975 Zigangie
Zigangie Snowbell1975
I know some b complex has vit c added.
I notice if I don't take any c if I forget the multivitamin then my wee is much more yellow meaning more of the b12 is just going straight through.
linda61015 michelle46271
I know exactly how you are feeling as have been feeling pretty much the same as you, I have been feeling like this for a few years now and it seems enless at the moment.
I'm stuggling with exstreme anxiety and imsomia, migraines and severe night sweats and feel absolutely exhausted all the time.
I take paroxtine , which i've been on for a while now, which help with depression and my doctor has also perscribed propanalol to help prevent my magraines.
I'm looking into magnesuim supplements at the moment as they can help with sleeping and headaches and as you know; if you get a good nights sleep, everthing seems a lot better.
I think it might be worth a go as got nothing to lose really. Holland and Barrett do a high stenghth magnesum with calcim and vitamin D, which will help with absoption of calcium.
Maybe it might be something you could look into .
michelle46271 linda61015
Zigangie michelle46271
I would not like to begin to add the cost of these things up.
linda61015 michelle46271
I find amazon are quite cheap for this like that.
I'll be interested to hear if it works for you; hopefully it does.
unico31026 michelle46271