Period after almost 14 months

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I started my period late last week after almost 14 months clear!

I've just been researching and it states that i should see a doctor? Is this correct even if it's my first one after so long?


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lisa. This hasn't happened to me but if it did after that long without one then I would; just to get checked out x

  • Posted

    I would go and see a doctor/nurse at your practice.

    I started bleeding nearly five months ago after being period free for more than four years..

    I spoke to a medical professional and they said if you have been period free for more than a year and you start bleeding you should contact them and they will have you looked at within gynaecology within two weeks.

    I was seen within two weeks and I had a very large endometrial polyp removed under General anaesthetic totally within 6 weeks.

    I am not a doctor and I'm a big feardie (Scottish) when it comes to all that as I have health anxiety and I've had it all done and also a merina coil fitted which they said keeps the lining of the womb thinner as a thicker lining can cause bleeding.

    Any questions. don't hesitate contact me as I've recently went through all this.

    • Posted

      thanks for this Heather.

      Did you have any symptoms other than the bleeding? ive had a bad pain in my lower back for a number of weeks now and my stomach feels so sore and tender inside, which ive thought was due to period pain?

    • Posted

      Definitely better to see a doctor.

      I had no pain just the post menopausal bleeding.

      Please see the doctor, as the sooner the better to help with anything.

      Let me know how you get on.

  • Posted

    Don't wait for the bleeding to stop as I was still bleeding up to the day of my operation.

    I am also spotting with getting the merina coil , which is normal , they say you could bleed

    for up to six months.

    Seriously they see that kinda thing everyday of the week and I am uber frightened with health anxiety and I am very glad I didn't wait.

    Good luck with whatever choice you make.

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