Period Feeling

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Hi, anyone experiencing periods feel like they are coming..I have not had a period for 6 months but lately getting regular feeling like the want to come but nothing appears.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    This could be that you are lacking estrogen which is the hormone responsible for actually getting your uterus to shed, hence period symptoms but no bleed. Perhaps try taking agnus caustra a natural herbal supplement, takes about a month to work. You can get a thickening in the uterus which can be uncomfortable but your doctor can tell you more and reassure you.
  • Posted

    Yes it happens to me too ! And lots of times I have the sore breast as well
  • Posted

    Ladies, those symptoms are usually a lack of PROGESTERONE.

    Progesterone is the hormone that fluffs up and stuffs off the uterine lining. A lack of progesterone will also cause sore breasts.

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, yes absolutely..had no period for 9 months but all the feelings you get before they start. I'd even get the leg aches and migraines sometimes. I think I still had a weird cycle but just wouldn't bleed. Guess the hormones are still changing through the month.

    • Posted

      When you say "leg ache" what do you mean exactly?

    • Posted

      With my period I would get leg aches along with cramps etc. Its a dull ache down my thighs and sometimes to my feet. Thats the best way I can describe it.
    • Posted

      I get the aches down my legs muscle ,cramps when ever I stretch them out but wait and see if it goes away with meno 
    • Posted

      I always got leg cramps from stretching too but started taking magnesium chelate a few months ago just one a day seems to be working and its cheap. Worth giving it a try.

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