period pains no period
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hi for the past few days iv had stomach ach constant nothing is making it feel better. its not just low down its also high up aswell my tummy just feels sore. i. geti g mild headachs to feel real tierd.
i. not geti g a period thoe wish i was.
if anyones read my other posts theyl know whats been happening to me. i was given hrt lowest one but i havnt started to take it yet had it two weeks on shelf i just keep thinking no im not bad enough for it yet. i went to hospital today had a colocospacy i think its spelled like that lol everytning is fine so iv had every test there is for abnormal bleeding in oast month. so it must be peri
prob is this week im havi g some sweats but mild on off and mainly tummy ach. should i start on hrt or should i go get some herbal pill instead.
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jackie95472 d19606
WoodsyChrissy d19606
How old are you dear, it might be that you are in menopause and needs a little assistance with Hormone replacements, have you been to your obgyn? please do go and have it checked out, I started having real bad pains in my stomack, and especially after intercourse, I left it and left it, and it only got worse, and by the time I went and had it checked out, I had a cancerous tumour on my overies, and both were removed, then I started with the hot flushes, pains in my joints, dry eyes and very moody and misserable, I was only 40, so please be safe than sorry, and go have it checked out asap.... hope you fell better soon
d19606 WoodsyChrissy
maybe the only thing they didnt look at was ovarys but woudlnt they see them on the scan of womb i had it done internerly?
my stomach only started to hurt three days ago its a constand dull pain like period pains.
i usualy used to come on at the begining of a month i havnt had a proper period since august. not regular were i stop then 28 days start again. it was a total no period in june then normal july then got one august a week late then week later started again well less than a week then just spotted for rest of month with extra bleeding if i had a poo or sex. then panicking went dr who had me have all kinds of tests then she gave me hrt then few days after that it all stoped. i havnt bled since the oast two or more weeks and i dont feel so bad. as i was havi g angry emotions and shacky couldnt sleep and sweats but now its gone, geti g some mild sweats but not everyday and its just the pain i got. now and tierdness so i duno what to do. do i take hrt or dont i i just dont know do i wait to see if a period starts i just do t know.
WoodsyChrissy d19606
WoodsyChrissy d19606
I was 40 when overies removed and now im 53, I still get sore tummy every now and then, but not too bad anymore, shame love, hope you can come right with it... sometimes I think it sucks to be born a women with all the sh*t we have to go through, hehehe
i just get paranoid about taking pills i never even took the contraceptive pill ever only a few times when i was 16 which i got ill with put me off.
if i start to get headachs and feel sick with this hrt il just stop and go back to dr.
im scared il be the one in a thousand who gets a flipin stroke or somthing horrid. and im alway worrying about dieing of somthing as strokes run in family which scares me.
im also quit dry again down below not as bad as i have been but its deff different from normal. my stomach pains keep turning to cramps and im not sure wether its period pains or ibs i just dont know just know it hurts and its not one sided its alover. took pain killers which do nothing at all so going out and geti g some buscopan in a bit see if that helps.😞 feel to young to go through this at 46 iv got 7 year old twins dont need it just yet.
can ovary cancer and cysts couse meno symptoms?
like missed periods and such. im going to start thinking iv got that next.
i think im suffering with the doom and gloom thing iv read some women get.
i think the worst thing about meno is the tierdness and dryness down below.thatsmaking me feel sore somtimes and i took replens but it dont do much i dont think.
WoodsyChrissy d19606
Im really sorry that you are going through this at your age, especially with twins, I know its not nice, I think your should take the HRT for at least a month or 6 weeks, and see how that helps with the pains and periods (at least you tried) if the doctor says anything, have your tried herbal meds, if you know of a health shop in your area try popping in and asking if they can help,
but allday iv been reading why i should not take the hrt. i. scared of it now.
prob is last month i was having horrid symptoms and this month hardly it realy worth taking hrt for minor probs.
i just dont know what to do its driving me mad.
i feel i may be taking it for nothing and i dont want ti can i stop after taking two will it do any harm.