Period, period, wherefore art thou period?

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So I was put on Cilest (combined pill) in December 2015. I was on it for 6 months before I decided to come off it just to see how long my natural menstrual cycle would take to come back. Anyway, last month (June), I was rather shocked and happy that it came rather early. This month on the other hand, it still hasn't shown up and I've been experiencing all PMS symptoms. I know they don't regulate straightaway and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    My cycle took ages to regulate from bc pills.

    I would wait and see making yourself worry or stress will also delay your period too.

    If your worried maybe speak with your gp.

    Hopefully it will show up soon.

    • Posted

      Guess who showed up last night? Yes, Mother Nature with AF! Only trouble is, I had to be sick first before it kicked in. Had a dodgy stomach and therefore had to vomit, then could feel that all too familiar wetness. Hopefully I can be back into a regular pattern at some point!
    • Posted

      sounds like fun with that, there is a lot of sickness bugs going about.

      hope you feel better soon

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