Period, period, wherefore art thou period?
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So I was put on Cilest (combined pill) in December 2015. I was on it for 6 months before I decided to come off it just to see how long my natural menstrual cycle would take to come back. Anyway, last month (June), I was rather shocked and happy that it came rather early. This month on the other hand, it still hasn't shown up and I've been experiencing all PMS symptoms. I know they don't regulate straightaway and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
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dawn57104 kirsty50363
I would wait and see making yourself worry or stress will also delay your period too.
If your worried maybe speak with your gp.
Hopefully it will show up soon.
kirsty50363 dawn57104
Thanks dawn57104. Much appreciated. Mine were regular before then went irregular, bc regulated and now slightly irregular again. Soon find out
dawn57104 kirsty50363
Hope u get sorted soon.
kirsty50363 dawn57104
dawn57104 kirsty50363
hope you feel better soon