Period type pain a week after my period
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Hi ladies i seem to be on here every week. My anxiety is through the roof. Yet again after my period i have period pains which continue after my period. They are like waves of mild pain like i am about to have a period. This happened last month and the month before that. My periods are coming every 3.2/3.5 weeks, and are accompanied by pain before during and now after, i am popping paracetamols like they are sweets (only the recommended daily amount).I had an uss and tvuss this week and she said my ovaries were ok although my left over was tucked right up? i did not ask what this meant anyone any ideas?, I have gall stones she informed me and i have to make an appointment with my GP again next week to discuss my scan. She did not say an awful lot and am worried there is something wrong. I feel nauseous every day mainly in the afternoon and have low back ache. Does anyone else get this period pain after their period. I am 46, nearly 47. What can be done about it?
x please xx
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Willow1992 amanda59745
I have often got period pain afterwards too. Had numerous painful periods over the last 2 years where i would be doubled-over with the pain. Try not to worry perhaps it could be a fibroid or simply crazy hormones......up and down throughout the month.
amanda59745 Willow1992
sarah39816 amanda59745
Please try not to worry! I have had very similar symptoms. Some weeks
/months are worse than others (I say it this way because my period is very irregular and has been for the last few years). I'll be 47 in a few weeks and have been in peri for about 5 years. I've had this kind of pain for the last two years. Sometimes the pain feels like my period is coming, but I don't get my period. The pain can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. When I do have my period I sometimes have terrible cramps, belly pain and low back pain that lasts throughout my period and sometimes a week or two beyond. In the beginning I was terribly alarmed. I have had all the tests and my doctor as advised that I am most definitely in peri and my aches and pains are related to the wild hormone fluctuations. I know it can be frustrating and scary, but try to take deep breaths, go for a walk and, if you can, do some things to take your mind off dwelling on the pain (I find this really works for me). Please remember that this will pass! Big hugs--Sarah
amanda59745 sarah39816
sarah39816 amanda59745
I also have a small fibroid (I understand these are very common for women our age). Yes, I struggle with bloating and nausea. I shared this with my doctor and she recommended that I eliminate dairy and gluten (I had some allergy testing and it showed some sensitivity to gluten and dairy). My doctor said eliminating these things, as well as sugar would help with my symptoms. I started this regimen 3 months ago and it has helped tremendously. I experience a lot less bloating now and my nausea only seems to flare when my anxiety is up or I am close to actually having my period. I do have bioidentical hormones that were prescribed, but have not begun yet because my symptoms seem to be in check right now and I was concerned about how I might feel taking them. Hang in there, Amanda. You will feel better! I find ginger tea and ginger candy helps with the nausea, as does eating regularly. Please keep me posted on how you’re doing. Big hugs—Sarah