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I’m 48!yrs old as I write my symptoms I’m feeling blah . I’m on my 4th day of my period ( short period in a long time) and is very light almost gone and i woke up this morning bloated, a slight diarrea , pain on my left arm like muscle pain and goes down my breast and wrap around under the armpit. Yesterday the lower abdominal and left leg and left side like on my left ovary a slight pain. I’m wondering if this is due to my period ending for the month. Have anyone experience this? Or is my ansiety .
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Guest Eliaimee1970
I also get left sided pain in my upper back near shoulder blade.
For some reason the left side is usually the culprit.
However I had menopausal shoulder in my right (but it’s almost always the non dominant shoulder and I’m left handed)
Eliaimee1970 Guest
sabab172 Guest
Guest sabab172
I get bloated on and off, sometimes I look 6 months pregnant. I can't remember about bloating when I had the cyst, but that was during the time all the symptoms were running rampant, including the racing heart stuff.
Guest Eliaimee1970
Woo3353 Eliaimee1970
It sounds like your estrogen has dropped, which can cause body aches, it also controls the shedding of the uterus hence short light period, anxiety also another symptom of unbalanced hormones, try not to stress it will make things worse. I know it doesn't seem like it but it is a natural transition and plenty of us are going through it.
Eliaimee1970 Woo3353
tina00239 Eliaimee1970
Eliaimee1970 tina00239
mamamia03 Eliaimee1970
Sounds like you've jumped into my life this week. I've just finished period which lasted 2 days. I've pain in left hip and pelvic area travelling round back on left side. My legs are weak and aching. But you know what I was like this last month to. I did start to panic so I came on here and saw your post, now I'm calm again because I realise I'm not alone and neither are you. We get it, we understand that feeling of being totally fed up of having physical pain that no one understands, you will be ok because you know what your a strong woman who's having a crappy few days. Chin up , we will be ok eventually xx
Eliaimee1970 mamamia03
mamamia03 Eliaimee1970
It's probably both, I suffer with anxiety to. The hormones are known to send anxiety through the roof and believe me I hear what your saying. That horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you physically sick, it will pass though and you and I both know it will because we've been here before. Stay strong this won't last forever x
Eliaimee1970 mamamia03