Periods After Menopause

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I know there have been other threads on this subject, but they're very old and I feel like what I'm experiencing is a bit different.  I stopped having periods over 5 years ago, but I've had was seems to be a regular cycle each month for about 3 months now.  When I say regular, I mean the mood swings, cramping and all the other stuff that goes along with it, but with very light bleeding.  So light that a panty liner is sufficient.  It goes on for a few days and than it stops, along with the symptoms.  When it first happened, I freaked.  I started thinking about it and thought...maybe that's why I was in such a crappy mood a few days ago.  I'm a very easy going, patient person and I was raging, which is totally NOT me. 

I am on workman's comp for a torn rotator cuff and have not worked since last October.  My employer took away my health insurance, so I haven't gone to the doctor.  Simply can't afford it right now. 

So, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this same thing happen and if you went and got checked, what were the results?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    How old are you? Mine stopped for ages when I was in my 30s. No explanation.... Now back with a bang in my 40s. Definitely a doctors appointment needed.
    • Posted

      I'm 58 now.  I know I started menopause early in life.  Late 30's.  Doctor said I was too young, but he was wrong.  I finished (or so I though) menopause 5 years ago. 

  • Posted

    I stopped for 10 years then started back. I was under a lot of stress. Had all the test. All Dr. could say was stress. This was 5 years ago.
  • Posted

    I know two women who had this. They were in menopause for years and then started bleeding again. They both did not think it warranted a trip to gyno. They were both diagnosed with advanced uterine cancer. I don’t want to scare you BUT Please get it checked out to rule this out. 

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