Periods closer together
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I'm new to this group and just wondered if anyone else has periods closer together? I had a blood test and my FSH levels are raised and my GP said I am in perimenopause. I have missed one period then they went back to normal but heavy with clots, then every 3 weeks but shorter and now its 2 weeks since my last and I'm bleeding again! I hope this means peri is coming to a end. I had a smear last year which was clear and a vaginal ultrasound 2 years ago which was clear except for they found fibroids but my GP suggested no treatment.
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cherie9742 caroline62395
Hi. My periods got shorter and shorter. Then I'd completely skip one. Then went back to normal except closer together. Last one was bleeding every couple weeks now I've not seen it for 7 months. I'm also on hrt
caroline62395 cherie9742
Guest caroline62395
Hi Caroline,
I've been all over the place with my period. I had missed three cycles, then went back to normal, then longer than usual, and now getting them closer together. I just got my period 10 days early. Last time it was 7 days early. Ugh
Lately feel like I have my period all the time. Wish it would just go away.
caroline62395 Guest
I know what you mean Sue, It just seems to control my life at the moment, I feel so tired all the time don't know if its the blood loss or the anxiety surrounding the whole menopause issue. I'm 48 this year and hoping I'm on the road to menopause, I have had peri symptoms for the last 5 years and it all feels like its building up to a massive finale!!!
gailannie caroline62395
Caroline all these changes are very normal. Clotting normally indicates non ovulatory cycles, meaning you are not producing much progesterone. The system does become very erratic. I had a couple of episodes of clotting, close periods, and either a lot or very little bleeding. It all adds up to ovaries that are failing.
BUT TO ALL LADIES, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR. I know you are looking forward to stopping these erratic cycles. And yes, I get it that bleeding uncertainty isn't a lot of fun. But I've got news, sometimes menopause isn't the best thing. Many of us are there, and the changes aren't all that great.
Guest gailannie
Ohhhh please don't even tell me that. I'm wishing that once my period goes away so will all the horrible other symptoms as well.
caroline62395 gailannie
DearDoe caroline62395
I get something similiar Caroline. What do your "head rushes" feel like?
gailannie caroline62395
caroline62395 DearDoe
tina00239 caroline62395
cherie9742 caroline62395
I too once believed that it would all end once I finally stopped bleeding. Now, I wish I would bleed because when I bled I had a hormone balance. Now I'm on hrt and no bal ance at all. Its like PMS on steroids with no bleed coming to relieve you. 😔
Guest cherie9742
So I pretty much feel like the rest of my life will be doomed. Ugh
And you say HRT doesn't help? Double ugh
cherie9742 caroline62395
HRT has helped millions. I'm just lost in it right now. Trying to find the right balance.
tina00239 caroline62395
Hi Caroline, whilst it is true in some rare instances that hrt doesnt help at all I repeat THIS IS RARE! As long as the doseage is correct and you boost your system with a good meno vitamin cocktail you should at least get some relief of your symptoms. Have you started it yet? On some women the effect is immediate and on others it takes a bit of time for the right levels to be achieved and the benefits to be gained. It is not necessarily a 'quick fix' you need patience with it. But do at least try it if it is suitable for you and be patient and you could see some major improvements in the symptoms you are suffering with. I have been on Elleste Duet 2mg for 2 months. I know something is working because I have always had achy ovaries for 3 weeks of my cycle, then followed by heavy painful bleed (uterous pain) and I had these symptoms when I had my first bleed on the hrt. I also take a cocktail of vitamins and diazepam for anxiety. This has reduced my symptoms by about 75% so down to a copable level. Hope this helps you. XXX