Periods, emotions, hormonal, pain.. please help or advise
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I will keep this as brief as I can. For about 6 years I have tried several different antidepressants. Several times I have told my doctor they don't work I am constantly emotional, hormonal, moody and a major crank. Especially during my time of the month I am so much worse. 3/4 weeks I am really bad. For years I have thought I was suffering with depression but now I think it's down to my hormones. My doctor wants to refer me to psych because she thinks it's depression and I don't!
I am 24. I have heavy painful periods where on 3 occasions the pains been that horrific before the bleeding starts they have admitted me into hospital for suspected appendicitis. I have a lot of clotting, I bleed heavily for 6 days and lightly for 2 days.
I don't want psych I think it's my hormone levels. Does anyone have any similar problems or is it me just having an awful body??
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tricia51298 amy57522
can you get another doctor or discuss it with a gynocologist?
amy57522 tricia51298
We only have 2 female doctors one specialises in gynae and family planning but the other doctors I've been with for a year she's the only one I see. I have tried mentioning it over and over it's hormonal not depression but because I have PTSD they think thats causing my moods and I've tried to explain it can't be. I am speaking to them again for the third time this week hopefully they listen. I only thought its hormonal as I have found a lump and a nurse told me it could be a hormonal gland that's popped out or got infected which means there could be something wrong with my levels or something
tricia51298 amy57522
And where do you live
amy57522 tricia51298
The lumps on my inner thigh by my knicker line but more round to the middle so it's difficult to see myself. And Merseyside area
I have been given antibiotics which seems to be making the lump a little smaller. I asked for a hormone blood test to check the balance to see if I have something wrong with my hormones but the blood test was refused because I'm only 24 and not menopausal.
kolgs75 amy57522
Hi Amy,
I would really push to have the blods done, as even young women can have an early menopause.
I would highly recommend reading a book called The Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden, as she talks about all natural ways to heal your body. It has advice a doctor just wouldn't give you.
I suffer from a hormonal imbalance and I have for three years with no proper diagnosis or cure or anything - let me know how you get on.
amy57522 kolgs75
My doctors have still refused to test but prescribed me Noriday pill and told me to see how that works so I started it today. I'm on weekly appointments and they think my emotions are more than just emotions and are trying to send me to a psychiatrist easy way out for them I know it's not depression as I've stopped my tablets and felt better since not being on them and I know it's hormonal I know it is I can feel it being all hormonal