Periomenopause is Horrible
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I am in the third try of stopping my Menstrual cycle. The first time it stopped for seven months then I got one. The second time I got one around six months and now I'm only two months with out menses and I feel out of sorts weird and miserable. I spend the entire day trying to make myself calm. Need suggestions on how to help myself survive this trying time.
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lori93950 Daphner
Alternatively you can try HRT BHRT or antidepressants .
For me I went on HRT as was sooooo bad . I tried AD pills for 2 weeks but was awful for me. It’s lifted some of the fatigue but as yet ( only been 3 weeks) not got that happy feeling back yet .
I also think it takes a while to get over the trauma for me it’s been 3 months of HELL.
I can’t wait to get back to the old ME. I think most of our anxiety depression is related to hormones .
Daphner lori93950
I think it's hormones too. And I'm afraid to try the hormone replacement because of reading about how difficult it really and the odd side effects. I too feel like it's hard to be happy. Thanks for your reply and it helps me to read because then I feel not battling my symptoms alone and I don't think how I just want my menses to stop and be done it instead this long process.
sn21848 Daphner
Since you have finished having periods you might try some foods that boost estrogen. Things like flax seeds, fresh chinese yam roots. It might take the edge off. Also, foods that are in the broccoli family like kale, cauliflower etc. help process estrogen that you have. If you haven't had your estrogen(3 kinds), progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and your different thyroid levels you really should. HRT isn't the perfect fit for everyone but some people do quite well on it. I am the one that it has been so so for me. It is important to get checked out because I am year 5 from when i went off birth control and found out I was postmenopausal and in 4 years I went from healthy bones to osteopenia. If you have any kind of arthritis in your family history I highly recommend you get a bone density done early. I did it at 52 and just now at 57.
I meant to say you haven't finished.
Daphner sn21848
This is very good advice. I've always wondered whether there were any foods that help raise my estrogen level so this is helpful to me ... Thanks. I do have arthritis in my family history and I can feel a kind of achiness in my bones. I'm 53. The bone density test might be a good idea for me also.
Shana_rifka Daphner
Daphner Shana_rifka
samantha42264 Daphner
I find yoga extremely helpful for me. I do it at home, so if I'm having a bad day, I can do it without being watched, in my pj's and no make up on. It reminds me to take deep breaths and calms me, plus it's good to keep flexible and seems to keep the joint pain that other woman are having away. Its not as agressive as other exercises I've tried but still keeps me toned and sometimes agressive excercise isn't in me to do anymore. I have faced the fact that there is no "cure" but for me yoga has helped me through some of the really rough patches. Also I've learned to tell myself when I can feel anxiety's just hormones, it will go away. I still have bad days but I am far better than I was than I was for a few years.
Daphner samantha42264
I've never tried yoga but some of the poses look relaxing. Once I was looking into the local classes but then I chickened out it. I appreciate your ideas and I will definitely try this ..
. Thanks
jill19850 Daphner
do you have any issues with sleep? this has been the worst part of it all. NO sleep at all........
lori93950 jill19850
I had this back in October was waking up at 4.30am Could not sleep !i had NO CLUE is was Peri related .
My dr gave me Olanzapine a sleeping aid that is great! Doesn’t knock you out or make you groggy you just sleep. I had to literally beg for it but it got me back to a better sleep rhythm
Now I take medical marijuana to sleep and knocks me out !
Daphner jill19850
Daphner lori93950
I've always been hesitant about sleeping pills ... but do you need a prescription for the medical marijuana and can it be prescribed specifically for insomnia?