persistent abdominal bloating for 4 months, what should I do?

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For nearly 4 month, I have been dealing with persistent bloating/abdominal distension.  I wake up with a slight bloat and it get progressively worse throughout the day, even after I drink a glass of water.  My belly feels hard, uncomfortable, and it looks like I am 4-5months pregnant (I am not).  I maintain a fairly healthy diet and exercise regularly.  I have been to several doctors including my GP, gyno, and GI-NP, and no one is able to give me a diagnosis. 

A list of tests I've done and their results: 

- abdominal ultrasound - normal 

- transvaginal ultrasound - normal 

- sitz marker tests (to see if I'm emptying my bowels normally) - normal 

- blood work: celiac, thyroid, anemia - all 3 normal 

- stool test - normal 

My GP prescribed me an antibiotic Cephalexan just last week, I started taking it yesterday. I'm supposed to take it with a Diflucan.  And then yesterday by GI-NP called and prescribed me and antibiotic Flagyl (I haven't started it yet) but I read the reviews and am I little apprehensive. 

Has anyone had similar issues and/or tried these drugs?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    The antibiotic Flagyl is used on anaerobic bacteria.  Which means the doctor thinks you have an imbalance of microbes in your gut, which is a possibility due to the bloating and distention which indicate gas production.

    The Cephalexan doesn't make sense to me.  Its a broad spectrum antibiotic so resistance is easily developed from bacteria.

    I wouldn't worry about Flagyl as it has little to no impact on human cells.  Strictly gut bacteria.

    Good luck smile


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    Hi Isay21

    Why are you taking antibiotics? Do you have an infection?...

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      The doctors prescribed it to me. The GI-NP put in an order for me to get tested for bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) but the local facility isn't giving me an appointment for test until October -_- how ridiculous is that!

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    if you have any stomach bugs then the antibiotics will sort them out so take the full course.
  • Posted

    I took Flagyl, BUT had a good reason: I was extremely sick with giardia.

    Flagyl made me vomit even more, but tried to keep down as much as possible and got better within 48hours, it was such a relieve to tackle giardia finally, that made my dry out and green water diarrhea and blood vomiting, so bad was it. Flagyl a blessing in THIS CASE despite the side effects.

    It always depends if risks and side effects outweigh a benefit or not.

    But taking Flagyl without a positive parasite test?

    What exactly was your stool tested for and which tests?

    Did it include PCR method and a culture and microscopy?

    Did it include a calprotectin, alpha 1 antitrypsin, s-IgA test?

    You are given 2 antibiotics (Cephalexin - usually for skin and urinary tract infection, Flagyl- yes for parasitic or bacterial infection also in intestine) and one anti-fungal (Diflucan) medication.

    You need to know as to why...I don't quite understand this combo.

    Is it just a trial and error?

    Do antibiotics go together with the anti-fungal med?

    The way you were checked is actually quite well done and gold standart.

    I would not say anything there.

    But I don't quite get the treatment combo.

    Maybe he/she had success with blind treatment with this combo in similar cases? Sometimes - you know - stool tests are false negative especially when it comes to parasites.


    keep us posted please and best of luck!


    • Posted

      biggrin just swallowed Flagyl (Metronidazole) and

      did not lie down fully flat (upper body half up, on back or side) breathing deeply (was very exhausted anyway, could not even listen to people).

      Mostly I had to vomit at a point (anyway),

      but tried to keep it down as long as possible (like half an hour or hour) so that most of medication was in system.

      Flagyl saved my life. 

      It was given multiple times a day and I just kept on taking it,

      and some must have gone through since symptoms did get better within 24hours slightly

      and after 48 hours greatly,

      I had appetite, ate the best rice with sauce ever (can still remember so happy was I) and kept it down!

      still got increased nausea everytime after taking medication as it just makes me sick,

      but pain, vomiting all got better

      since giardia caused bigger effects than the Flagyl side effects.

      I should have taken it longer though since it flared up again, but nothing to compare with initial overlooked prolonged severe infection.

      Maybe the under-the-tongue dissolvable ondansetrone

      would have helped against nausea due to Flagyl. (?) It's said to be save to be taken together, only minor interaction, to forget about.

      I was not offered this med.

      Maybe worth a trial when treatment is indicated and side effect nausea bad.

    • Posted

      um what do you even mean? Please re-read, I said I only started taking the cephalexan yesterday. I have not taken the Flagyl. 
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      I think the diflucan is prescribed to get read of any possible yeast infection that may occur (I usually get those whenever I take an antibiotic). 
    • Posted

      Philippa asked me > Sanya how 'survived' with Flagyl, when I took it.


      Sometimes we posters "hichhike" a post, in this case your post. cheesygrin

      Just look please who addresses > who.

      Then content becomes clearer.

      Our apologies.

    • Posted

      You're braver than me.  I think I probably would have gone straight back to my doctor and asked for something else.  I have over persevered with irritant medication in the past to get rid of infection and ended up off my food, nauseated and vomiting. Now, if I have bad side effects I throw the medication in the bin and get something my stomach will tolerate.  My mum vomited after urinary antibiotics and ended up sicker than she was with the infection.  She had to get something else and the chemist told her that many could not take that particular medication.

    • Posted

      The increased nausea for short time after taking Flagyl med was nothing compared to other symptoms of disease I had, also it meant:

      it went into blood stream, which I was happy about. Hurray!

      I reacted allergic (mild/moderate, not severe) with rash to some other antibiotics, I would not dare to go on taking those of course.

      Also I am Clostridium difficile positive, I cannot take certain antibiotics anymore, that are known to leave Clostridium diff. untouched and lead to colitis due to overgrowth. (been there done that). I would not take them.

      I guess it simply depends on which reaction and how severe comes with any antibiotic treatment and what the benefits are.

      I was so sick, skin standing up when pulled up on hand (dehydration) and weak, I was happy to have gotten a diagnose and a med, that would help no matter if nausea got worse.

      Within 2 days it was certainly clear they helped and nausea a minor effect to endure, no allergic reaction, no problems.

      Easy to be 'brave' then and carry on when it helps.

      If it didn't help after 3 days, I would have asked to be driven to doc or hospital again, too to seek alternative.

      One shouldn't end up sicker after med than before.

      That's not good and I wouldn't tolerate that either.

      Poor you and your mum. That's no good.

    • Posted

      I think both me and my mum are very sensitive to medications.  I have Aspergers and dyspraxia so perhaps this is where my sensitivities come from.  Very little affects my dad other than Larium which gave him an epileptic fit which is a known side effect.

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