Persistent acid reflux- what should I do to alleviate my symptoms?

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I'm a 16 year old female (who is not overweight) and I have had acid reflux for about five months now. It has recently gotten worse- I've spat up some blood on multiple occasions. I have eliminated dairy, spicy foods, and citrus from my diet to try and prevent any reflux. Sadly, I still get it very often. I do drink a lot of coffee but I've been cutting down and am on the path to stop drinking it completely. It's been tough lately- whenever I have a meal or snack, or even when I drink water, I can feel it coming right back up. After a bout of having to spit out what I've just consumed, I have to throw up again 30 minutes later even when I don't eat/drink anything afterward. I'm trying hard to avoid regurgitating to keep my teeth and esophagus healthy, but I can't get it under control. It's hard to enjoy eating and I can tell I'm dehydrated. I have also began taking tagamet in hopes to get rid of my symptoms but I feel like nothing is working. I'm at a loss right now and would greatly appreciate any advice I can get!

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    Hi Julie, are you drinking water with meal? This can be the trigger of acid reflux. Normally, stomach emptying of solid food took 1.5-2 hours (approx). So when you finish your meal, try to wait 1.5-2 hours before you drink water. And take SIP of water SLOWLY. The reason is that water is first absorb then solid food. 

    If the above step still fail, did you follow the "small frequent feeding"? this can also be the trigger of the reflux. Your digestive organs need rest. It's advisable to wait 4-5 hours before your next meal. Fruits are digested 4 hours while vegetables digested 5 hours. Meat took a lot of time to digest. If food took longer than the usual hours it should be in the stomach, it will ferment. And this fermentation produces toxic gases that your body can determine to get rid of it, so you vomit it. 

    If all fails, try to take outdoor fresh air for 4 hours, no water, no food for 4 hours. Relax yourself a bit with deep breathing. After that, if you feel dehydrated, try to take a bath or put water in a cloth and put that into your skin. Our skin is very much permeable to water because of it's small molecule even its not lipid soluble. 

    If you feel tagamet is not working, try to stop it, or any drugs especially aspirin. Also avoid processed foods. 

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    Also Julie, try to avoid or stop very hot and cold water. 
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    See your doctor as soon as possible since you have been spitting up blood.
  • Posted

    Have you been to a dr? If you’re spitting up blood I would strongly recommend you seeing one. You could have a bleeding ulcer or something else that the dr would need to diagnose. 

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