Persistent bowel problems

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Hi guys, so I’ve had chronic diarrhoea/ loose stick stools for about a year now accompanied by mucus occasionally and blood (sometimes but rarely). I also get very bad gas and I wasn’t sure why. I don’t think it’s linked to particular foods because I seem to get it regardless is what I eat. I get very random loud abdominal sounds and sharp, crampy intense pain below my belly button and sometimes but not often I get get pain above my belly button but it seem pretty much central. I get the pain usually after I’ve eaten and I have an ergency to go to the bathroom and have bowel move which feels “incomplete”. I also have indigestion which isn’t relieved by any antacid tables.  I’ve have had an endoscope and colonscope which both came back negative and showed no inflammation or ulcers despite the severe indigestion I get. I get a very uncomfrorable burning sensation in my belly and they didn’t seem to find any ulcers in my stomach so I’m not sure what is causing my indigestion.  I believe During my colonscope the dr only viewed a part of my small I setting not all of it so I don’t think they looked at the part where I experience pain. I also have h pylori which I was treated for but apparently wasn’t cleared so I wonder if that’s what’s causing all of my symptoms? I haven’t experienced any rapid weight loss but I don’t put on weight and I eat a LOT of food. More food than a person of my size should be eating. I was wondering if anyone has had similar problems and was diagnosed with anything? Or treated for them? And lately I’ve been having lots of infections around my body and I was anaemia before but no one knew why. Does anyone know what’s wrong with me. I was told that is was ibs to begin with but then I was told it wasn’t and my symptoms are very persistent. They never go away and I’m not sure if that what would be the case with ibs and I do t believe they are caused by particular foods. I think I get gas because food isn’t properly absorbed by my body which could be why I get diarrhoea but  not sure why this would be. I feel as though I have indigestion in my intestines too. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I had the same symptoms. Was diagnosed with H-pylori. Got rid of it and feel better now but just when I consequently stay away from sugar and also add probiotics to my diet.

  • Posted

    Hi Rej, this does sound very familiar and I was told I was diagnosed with colitis 4 years ago. I would suggest seeing a gastroenterologist and ask for a colonoscopy. In the meantime you could try Organic Apple cider with The Mother mixed with 1/4tsp of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and last thing at night. This will rebalance your alkaline levels in the gut and balance the ph. Give it a few days to take effect. Do make a concerted effort to not over eat as this will make it worse and opt for a low fibre diet.
  • Posted

    Hi Rej

    I would say the HPylori is still causing your gastric may need to go back on another 3 course of antibiotics to get rid of may take different meds to ease the symptoms but you need to address the cause. Go back to your doc and discuss wishes..

  • Posted

    If your H pylori didn’t clear up, you will need to be given another course of treatment.  Maybe this is why you are still having symptoms.  IBS does not completely clear up; it can go into remission but come back.  Try avoiding broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts which can cause gas and avoid fizzy drinks. Reduce the amount you are eating; eat little but often. Try a food diary to see what foods trigger symptoms.  If you get pain after eating, a food may be the cause.

    Occasional bright red blood could be caused by straining for a bowel movement or diarrhoea.  It could also be a fissure.  Keep going back to your doctor.

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