Persistent cough? Waking at night choking? Menopausal Asthma!
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Ok so on top of every other horrible thing I have had, thanks to menopause and the loss of hormones...I've just been diagnosed asthma.
I had never heard of later onset adult asthma - and did not know it could be linked to menopause (due to lack of oestrogen) but there is plenty out there if you google it. I wanted to post this incase there were any other women like me out there, healthy as a butcher's dog until the age of 50 then bam, suddenly coping with with all these awful things.
It started with waking in the night feeling like I was choking and suffocating. Then I got this horrible persistent dry cough and wheeze.Then breathless, gasping for air feeling. After a month, convinced it was lung cancer I went to doc and was sent for loads of tests, chest X ray etc which all came back clear. Eventually, after having a flow meter check I was told it was asthma and given two inhalers - brown preventative and blue Ventolin for attacks.
I hate getting old. But I guess it's better than the alternative
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staci88515 Lesley998
I never knew there was a peri/meno connection to asthma. I do not think my asthma is related to peri, but I just wanted to mention that I did not have asthma as a child. I was diagnosed in adulthood.
debra16694 Lesley998
HI Lesley - Yep, it happened to me. In 1998, we had "El NINO" & got terrific storms & flooding & at that time i developed allergy induced asthma because it was determined that i was allergic to mold & mildew & a few other triggers etc. Once things dried out& in fact where I live has experienced a drought for several years, i have never been bothered again by allergies and or asthma. Then at the end of 2017, out of the blue, i woke up gasping for was fairly consistent until i went to the allergy dr. (i was convinced I was having congestive heart failure - Oy Vey! Thank you health anxiety! i asked the allergy dr if this could be a symptom of menopause, and while she wouldn't give me an affirmative "yes", did say she sees a pattern of peri/meno woman coming in for treatment more often. i have seemed to have passed thru that cycle, but i do keep my inhalator with me at all times...ugh!
rebecca_68782 Lesley998
I have had this too. keep thinking it was related to acid reflux. Thank you for sharing.
andrea05399 Lesley998
hi lesley. i dont have asthma but the most horrid allergies have developed in the last year and keep getting worse. started with hormonal changes. constant sinus pressure and drainage and nasal congestion and a loud clicking in my ears that is so loud other people can hear it. my nose clicks all the time too. makes my throat and neck and head hurt all the time. sounds benign but feeling like you have a terrible cold every day is the worst. antihistamines help a little. ent not a lot of help so off to the allergist net week. hoping he can help me! i know this is peri related. i am 47.