Persistent sciatica?
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I know back pain and sciatica have separate forums, but I'd rather stick with the helpful people here! Not sure this is meno-specific, but I am having a terrible bout of sciatic pain. Its running down both legs. Lower back pain too, This flares up every now and then for me. Last time I tried PT for 8 weeks. Therapist suggested piriformis syndrome. This time even its more painful and the stretches they gave me aren't helping. Any advice for home remedies or exercises that work?
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shara04249 teri76755
Hi friend, check to see if this is set off by ovulation or endometriosis as they put pressure on the nerves that travel down the legs. Acupuncture can alleviate some of the pain.
shara04249 teri76755
Hi friend, check to see if this is set off by ovulation or endometriosis as they put pressure on the nerves that travel down the legs. Acupuncture can alleviate some of the pain.
linda79797 teri76755
Hello, i know the agony of Sciatica. I get it from time to timw bit i found some stretches on YouTube that helped tremendously. There are lots of videos to choose from. I do take aleve for the inflamation when its really bad.Hope you find relief as i did from those video's.
mrs_susan74280 linda79797
What is aleve
linda79797 mrs_susan74280
It is an over the counter medication. 💊 it's an anti-inflammatory.
Brittay123 teri76755
HI teri, i having the same problems 😦(( nothing is helping! I have been stretching going for massages and chiropractor!! sorry you are going through this
chris620531 teri76755
hi, you cant tell if its an inflamed periformis or a disc pressing on your nerve and the only way is to have a scan or go see a chiropractor who can analise it for you . dont have anymore treatment until you know exactly whats pressing on your sciatic nerve or could make it worse. i see this a lot in my work. best of luck
teri76755 chris620531
agreed! At the end of PT my therapist suggested an MRI when massage seemed to be making it worse. My GP ordered it but insurance denied it. unfortunately I don't have much of a recorded history of back pain bc I tend to suffer through the flare ups that happen 3-4 times a year. I'll go back to GP next week and see if we can get it approved now. Thanks!
amanda59745 teri76755
H Teri, i have sciatica down both legs but, mainly my right leg all the way to my ankle. Ihave had this since may it started in my left leg and progressed over a week or 2 to my right leg. My back is also slightly sore but, tilting my pelvis gives me horrific pain. I do not know the cause yet and no, GP, physio or chiropractor has said what its from. I have been refered to an orthopedic surgeon and get an MRI scan on 24th oct so hope this sheds some light on my problem. I have had massages , many pain killers nothing has helped much and have just started amitriptyline tonight as my nerve pain is getting me down and do not know how much more pain i can take. I walk daily and continue to work (it nearly kills me to work) the stretches hurt so much but, i continue to do them. Sorry i have no quick fix but, for me there is no quick fix xxx
so sorry! sometimes I think the massage and stretches can aggravate it. Tonight I'm trying heat & ice and just a couple gentle stretches. I see the doctor Tuesday and I'm hoping the MRI will be approved now. I suspect that now that its on both sides they will approve. Points to a herniated disc maybe? Good luck!!
MoodyNoire teri76755
I had a horrible time with my back about 5 years ago to the point where i had to shop for my daughter's wedding from a wheelchair .I went to a chiropractor off and on for a couple of years, then researched inversion tables, bought one and haven't needed to go back to the chiropractor once.