Perumrnopausal and anxiety
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Hi, I'm 47 years old and perumrnopausal. It's only recently my periods have gone irregular but started with anxiety about 12-18mths ago. I went to GP as my heart was pounding (127bpm) who did ECG and bloods and everything was ok. He prescribed propranolol which does help but the anxiety seems to be getting worse, feeling nauseous, chest pain, left shoulder pain, occasional light numbness in right arm(all symptoms of anxiety/panic attack. Just would appreciate other people's experiences so I know I'm not going mad !!!
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haley30534 sarah210571
Hi Sarah I'm also 47 and I had the same experience as you, I'm now on antidepressants for my anxiety and it's helped me so much x
Guest sarah210571
mary27278 sarah210571
sarah210571 mary27278
mary27278 sarah210571
Guest sarah210571
HI Sarah, I am 5 mg escitroplam (lexapro) anti depressant. Just started it 5 wks ago. It takes a couple of months of continuous use. There are side effects, and they can be lousy. BUT, I am 41 and having a hard time getting proper hormone care. In my case, anxiety is a symptom of a hormone imbalance. But, so far it is helping me while I get that sorted out.
Proponol is a beta blocker, usually for irregular beats, heart conditions, however, some drs prescribe for anxiety, even migraines...just tweak dosages.
It may work fine fir just didn’t agree with me, but my BP runs low anyway😀
Eliaimee1970 sarah210571
I’m 48 and My periods are regular but I get the same exact symptoms as you the pain on my left shoulder I notice I get it before my period and the chest pains. I also when i turned 46 I developed this inflammation on the top of my scalp is itching, burning and scally I’m puttin meds but not working.
I get night sweats between my breast and back some nights.
lori93950 sarah210571
I suggest you get a full blood panel as once you get on the panic anxiety rollercoaster it’s hard to get off . It becomes your life and limits you from doing things .
Guest sarah210571
Welcome Sarah, I’m also 47 and my first peri-related doctor visit was for recurring panic attacks at age 43. My periods are irregular and I struggle with anxiety but work full-time and try to take it a day at a time. I don’t take anything for the anxiety but find that deep breathing helps some. I hope you find the best option for your anxiety. This is not an easy phase of life. Take care. 🌸
sarah210571 Guest
Thank you Liz. I also work full time and so far have no issues with that and even though my bosses are both male have told them that I'm peri and they were fine. I can be ok for days and think I'm fine and then it just got me. It's a relief to join this group and no other people are going through the same thing as when the anxiety hits I can't help thinking that my heart is giving out even though I know its not.
pinkcatfairy sarah210571
Dear Sarah
I'm three years post menopausal, I did start going into menopause at 51 but due to family history I had ovaries out so was plunged straight into menopause. I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks, takinng vitamins for over 50's helped and things have settled unfortunately I experienced many other symptoms in peri but they have passed, it is a long and uncertain journey but light at the end, stay strong x
sarah210571 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy sarah210571
I dont think we can name names on here but a good quality multivitamin for the over fifties after a time calmed my anxiety, plus avoid caffeine and alcohol as these can trigger panic attacks x