Pes Anserine Bursitis

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Has anyone ever been diagnosed with Pes Anserine bursitis? I've been dealing with medial knee pain for the last few months. X-rays and MRI have been done. At first, the doctor thought I may have a stress "reaction". He then referred me to a knee specialist. When I went to him, he said my MRI was basically useless. All he said was "you have pes anserine bursitis. I'll give you a cortisone injection and you'll be fine".

Well, the injection has done absolutely nothing. As long as I do not put any weight on my leg, I am OK. The more I walk, the worse it gets. I can no longer even walk around the block without it becoming extremely painful. At times the pain is so bad that it feels as though someone is stabbing me in the leg with every step I take. At night when I lie down, it can take a few hours for the pain to subside.

Anti-inflammatories and Tylenol do not help.

I am at a loss as to what to do. I keep thinking that this is something other than bursitis, but I don't know what.....

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4 Replies

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    I had what was initially diagnosed as bursitis of the hip that turned out to be tendonopathy and there is a condition called Pes Anserinus Tendinitis (google it) and I wonder if that's what you have. The pain in my hip was horrendous. I could hardly walk, lift my leg to go upstairs and couldn't sleep on my side with it either. I was sent for PT and an ultrasound guided injection when they discovered it was the tendon that was the issue not the bursa. The tendon was severely inflamed, frayed and full of holes. I was told nothing could be done other than PT and more injections.

    Anti-inflammatories did nothing. Then a friend recommended turmeric that had helped his frozen shoulder. I took 500gm 3 times a day and in 5 days I could walk for around an hour with no pain. I dropped to 2 a day and as long as I don't overdo it with stairs or exercises that impinge the tendon I'm fine. Turmeric doesn't work for everyone and if you do try it make sure you check with a pharmacist that it won't react with any other medication or supplements.

    Other than that I would seek a second opinion.

    • Posted

      Thank you lynda49844 I never thought to google the tendinititis, but I believe that is what my issue is vs. bursitis.

      If I walk too much it gets worse. Even walking around the house, if I turn "just right", I get a stabbing pain in that area. Today, when I turned around, I could feel something in that area snap, so now it feels worse with every step.

      I wish the doctor would have looked at the MRI closer, but it seems to me he kind of jumped to conclusion. I'm not sure if having an ultrasound in that area would show anything that isn't on the MRI.

      I did try Turmeric. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I'm not on any medication, but when I started taking it, it made my hands itch like crazy. Not sure why, but I couldn't stand the itching. Once I stopped the Turmeric, the itching went away. Strange.

      I'm afraid to do too much exercise(biking, etc) as I don't want to make "it" worse...

      And yes, unfortunately, I think I will have to seek out a second opinion. I had to do this with my hip and now I feel as though I'm running out of doctors to go to...

    • Posted

      I googled whether a MRI would pick it up and it seems not always. Maybe ask if it could be tendonitis and whether an ultrasound guided injection might help?

      It's a shame about the turmeric. Maybe magnesium might help. I've been using Epsom salts in my bath. Mine has kicked off again after being given another exercise and cycling definitely makes it worse.

      A second opinion might be your best option though. Good luck, I hope you get some answers and some relief soon.

  • Posted

    I had bursitis in my hip. The best thing I found was Voltaren Gel (RX in the US, generic diclofenac elsewhere...check for interactions). It's the best topical anti-inflammatory out there. Use it 4X/day, especially at bedtime. For the US: If you are in a legal state and have the "special" medical card, try some "Lotion". This is full strength plant mixed with regular hand cream. Better than Voltaren and is THE BEST topical pain reliever on the planet. Trouble is you have to be in one of those states to take advantage of this plant-based, natural medication.

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