Phew !
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Hello AGAIN everyone, just feel a little bit happier today and wanted to share. All the nasty horrible symptoms we all share like the evil headaches, nausea, unsteadiness, weird and wobbly, severe fatigue, earaches, neck pain, horrible taste in mouth and all the other nasties that convince us it can't be meno and must be something very serious and worrying that drive us round the twist - well had a load of bloods done yesterday and it took all I had just to walk through the surgery door and freaking out all day and night about the results - well results back today and apart from the under active thyroid and arthritis everything else is fine and as to be expected ! So no horrible hidden life threatening things going on , liver, kidneys and everything else doing what they should thank god. No doubt I'll be stressing over something else in a minute and another horrid thing will come up but for tonight im gonna try not to be consumed with anxiety over blood results ! There I feel better for sharing that ! Hugs everyone out there xx
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Cass63 Fairy28
Fairy28 Cass63
tmpearce Fairy28
Hi lou,
So glad to hear that you got good results! I know how you's terrible with all of the health worries and getting some good results feels like a huge weight has been lifted! I've gone through that myself and still struggle with it, although with each good test result I get the worry level is gradually decreasing. Now I can handle all of these symptoms better by knowing I've been checked out medically.
Relax now and enjoy your day!??
Fairy28 tmpearce
yes it's so understandable isn't it that all these symptoms trigger health anxiety and it's horrible just horrible to deal with. We must keep convincing ourselves it's nothing else, but it's not that easy is it as one symptom comes along then another and so on, but we all have each other here for reassurance too, keep strong . I'm the worlds worst worrier but we're all in this together, hugs xx
Guest Fairy28
Hi Lou, that is wonderful news! You give me hope that things can get better. Enjoy your evening!
Fairy28 Guest
Hi elizabeth, yes it's a bit of good news as im always sooooo convinced of other things going on as the symptoms are so horrendous, I did need reasuring about 50 times that there's nothing else going on and trust me I need some convincing ! So for today it's good news. Chin up lovely im right there with you x
Guest Fairy28
Fairy28 Guest
i know the feeling - one good day is such a relief, hoping you have lots of good days to come too and yes I know that eventually we will feel better - sometimes I wish I'd married a doctor then I could fire questions at him all day long and get constant reassurance ! seriously though today has given me hope and I'll try to convince myself that the next symptom ahead is JUST meno and nothing else, sleep well lovely x
jerry72101 Fairy28
Fairy28 jerry72101
I'll try my hardest x
sazzie42 Fairy28
Big hugs x
Fairy28 sazzie42
thank you yes today's a good day - hope you've had a good day too x
pinkcatfairy Fairy28
Glad you had a good day, I am a worrier too and have many a dark cloud anxious menopausal day if you know what I mean, I am a year post ovary removal and I'm feeling better, there are atill days where I feel down but the awful health anxiety has gone (hopefully for good) and the panic and overall anxiety which reared up earlier this year has subsided, hopefully for good x
Fairy28 pinkcatfairy