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I suffer from a phobia of being sick I have suffered from this illness for many years. I have tried most anxiety medication and take anti-sickness tablets regularly because I make myself feel so sick. I have seen doctors, had counselling and also tried cbt (cognitive behavioural therapy). They don't seem to help this condition at all sad

I can't work because of this illness it takes over my life, I dont socialise or go to party's/nightclubs, I do regularly go out for meals but avoid foods which I think could make me ill/sick. I can't stay out anywhere apart from my home. Im worse on a night time I struggle to sleep and stay awake many hours due to this condition. I feel like I dont have anybody that knows exactly what I'm going through. I avoid going near anybody that has been sick or feels sick, I avoid spending time with my family as I'm so scared if they have an illness and are sick that I dont want to catch it. I dont know what else to do. This is such an awful illness to live with I think negative all the time as I have not had anything positive come out of feeling this way.

I really hope there is somebody out there suffering the same phobia as me, if so please please message me and reply to this! smile

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you tried St Jon's Wort..???
    • Posted

      Hi i haven't I have had something like that but nothing changes sad
  • Posted

    Hi hun! Iv read this and it could actually be as if I wrote it. My life has been taken over by this phobia. I'm addicted to anti sickness tablets. My hands are damaged from constant washing and sanitising. My 7 year relationship is being tested. It might be nice to chat as Iv never spoken to anyone who feels the same.

    I'm having a massive panic attack tonight. I ate kfc about 3 hours ago (I don't normally but it's my moms bday and she dosent know my mental health is as bad as it is) and now I have stabbing pains. I'm terrified I have food poisoning. Which is then making me feel sick and gag. We are our own worst enemy x

    • Posted

      Hi Lushie; have you considered that you may be suffering vitamin defeciency? Biotin is one example.. just a thought smile
    • Posted

      I have pernicious anaemia so I take iron, folic acid and have b12 injections. My last injection was only yday. And my last blood test a week ago didn't show up any other deficiency x
    • Posted

      I have private messaged you lush smile i also have pernicious anemia and have b12 every 10 weeks x
  • Posted

    I also have a phobia of being sick which also made me feel very nauseuous and makes me avoid eating foods to avoid throwing up. Recently contracted a stomach bug and after experiencing being sick after around 8 years (my only memories were from being horrifically ill at the age of 12) I have learnt that it's not as bad as I once thought it was. (I'm not saying make yourself sick). I've changed my perspective on the thought of being sick, thinking that it's not something negative, to punish you, but it's actually your body trying to get rid of things that can harm you. Also have you considered perhaps hypnotherapy or therapy for health anxiety? 
    • Posted

      Not good, I luckily have avoided bugs and virus's I am waiting for cbt but have not tried anything else apart from medication x

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