Physical side effects off stress

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Hi any advise would be so much appreciated.

I’m totally at my wits end with how I feel and honestly don’t know how to escape how I’m feeling.

At Christmas totally out of the blue I suffered a panic attack that landed me at the hospital and then they continued for about 2 months, I went onto sertraline which after a few weeks I felt good and panic attacks stopped. But the last 8 weeks from I’ve been back to work from furlough I’m progressively getting worse to the point every single day is a struggle, my doctor and counsellor think that my body is reacting to stress but I literally can’t cope feeling like this any longer.

I’m not depressed, I’m not sad or anxious but I’m riddled with worry everyday over how I feel, the physical symptoms I’m experiencing are unbelievable nearly unbearable at times, I just want to crawl up into a ball and hide away. I get up and get on with life everyday because I’m a practical person and I work a lot and do a lot everyday and I’m trying to scale it back. Every single day I have the most severe dizziness, cramps in my arms and hands and legs, random shooting sensations in my fingers, my shoulder burns with pain in work which then give me a sore neck snd sometimes a sore head, some days I have a sore head all day long, like a rising pressure feeling that I constantly have to pop my ears, I feel it in my ears eyes and behind my nose, my throat continuously tightens up on and off I also suffer with globus, honestly the list is endless my skin is all broke out, eczema on my face snd body snd my scalp, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind, I just don’t want to feel like this anymore it’s so overwhelming, I’m doing everything possible go help myself and be better but I’m getting nowhere, I don’t know whether I need to take some time off work or not 😦

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10 Replies

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    Since COVID I've been feeling anxious and had insomnia. You may not think you're anxious but maybe you really are. I've had anxiety most of my life and sometimes I get caught up in worrying or thinking and it leads to feeling unhinged. I start wondering and worrying about different physical problems and before I know it I'm a wreck. Worrying too much is the very essence of anxiety.

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    i'm in the same boat as you. been dealing with horrible anxiety for years but the last couple or months have been horrible. ive been gettint burning sensations in my left leg & sometimes left arm & i get like a shock tingling sensation in my fingers and just overall dont feel like myself. i do landscaping and play basketball and i havent not been able to do my job so thats the only thing letting me believe that its all just anxiety. my doctor swears irs just anxiety but i have an appointment with a neurologist in 2 weeks just to play it safe and hopefully if they rule everything out my anxiety will calm down a little because its literally all i think about.

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    Just try to relax your mind maybe you should see or talk to a professional. I'm glad you have an appointment. If you can't function it's the best thing to do. I wouldn't want more anxiety either if I were you. Let me know what the neurologist says. Just hold tight until your visit and find some support to talk if you have too much anxiety.

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    You should firstly see a doctor and see if there is any physical problem. Also is there any obvious problem with your job, or something else, which you know is causing this? If this is anxiety related I can offer you some advice but I don't want to do that if there is something else causing it.


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    ive been ringing to dr every couple of weeks

    Since January, I honestly feel like they think it’s stress and anxiety which has caused the panic attacks, I honestly think if that’s what it is my body is stressed nearly without my mind being aware? It’s unbearable.. I put on a good show, I literally talk all day and have a laugh with people at work but it’s exhausting.. I’m honestly so happy in my life aside from struggling to strike a good work life balance I really don’t know what else could be causing all this... my doctor took my bloods today snd is doing a full blood check, she checked all my nerves, muscles, eyes etc last week and said everything was Normal, I do believe her and I don’t think I’ve got a chronic illness but the symptoms I feel are so severe that something must be causing them, I suppose I find it hard to believe or accept stress could be causing this overbearing feeling, I can’t grasp that stress could be this intense? And if it is how do I even begin to fix it? I’ve done everything you can Imagine, I’m going to counselling, hypnotherapy, I get acupuncture regularly, I sleep well, I meditate, I take my vitamins, I practise tapping techniques, I look after myself well in regard to appearance, I maintain all my beauty treatments to keep me feeling better, honestly you name it I do it or have tried it and still when I get half way through my day I feel lost, exhausted, zoned out, dizzy, sore.. It’s just awful I could literally just break some days

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    Hello all, I have been experiencing an increase in physical symptoms from Anxiety and wanted to ask if anyone here ever experienced dizziness in the form of a floating /swaying/rocking feeling? Sometimes I even feel like I am bobbing up and down especially when I am walking.

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      yup, i experience that. i've never actually fallen over and lost balance tho. believe its all in out heads. i experience that and burning sensations throughout my body and random tremors in my legs. doctors told me its all anxiety but im going to a neurologist in 2 weeks just to clear my mind.

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      Hi Matt, thank you for your reply. I havent fallen over yet even though at times i feel like i am going to. the dizziness started in March but never lasted long but its been really bad the last couple of weeks ever since we came back from a vacation, its been every day that Ive had the swaying and bobbing up and down feeling along with occasional sinus pressure and slight head/neck pressure, i went down the "google hole of hell" and freaked myself out by reading some of the disorders and syndromes that cause the symptoms ive been experiencing. I have gotten blood work and went to ent they didnt find anything wrong my next step is an MRI to rule out anything serious but my friends are convinced its my anxiety. I have never experienced burning like you mentioned but when my anxiety is bad i get tremors. I hope they dont find anything wrong and its just your anxiety and you find something that works to help manage your symptoms. I have been on Xanax the last 3 years when i developed tinnitus but i am weaning off and considering lexapro but terrified to start a new medicine especially because ive read it can worsen tinnitus. but i know i need something so i can be the best version of myself for my kids

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      yup, i get the tremors as well! its hell man but in learning to just ignore it until i have me neurologist visit ans hopefully after they rule anything bad out, my anxiety will wind down a little. my symptoms are 24/7 even when im not feeling anxious but my doctor told me thats because my body is so worked up with stress/anxiety.

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    hello jemma

    i am also suffered panic attack in my life but since 3 months its awful started i was driving and i could not swallow anymore .. my heart beat raised , i was trembling , i felt like i could not breath ... since then i have this feeling my tongue is down my throat and i could i wont stop swallowing .. sometimes its blocks and i feel someone is strangling me .. i just wanna stay in bed and slept because when i sleep the symptoms goes away ..

    after many test scan of the throat , camera in my nose and throat, blood test , xray of the lungs , barium meal , gastroscopie , everything is normal but this symptoms are their from when i get up till i go to sleep ..i cant stand it anymore

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