Physical symptoms getting too much to handle…. Need help

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I’ll start this post by saying I have always been an anxious person, ever since I was a child, I’m in my 30’s now. I am at my wits end. I started with headaches last October, I’ve never been a sufferer of headaches.

In November I made an appointment with my GP to discuss headaches, and after asking me several questions my GP indicated that she thought I was suffering from anxiety & prescribed me with Prozac. She also did a blood test, a urine test & a basic neurological examination - all of which came back fine. A few days after starting taking Prozac I had my first ever full on panic attack. I didn’t realise at the time it was a panic attack, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was fidgety, distressed & confused. I stopped taking the Prozac immediately after this incident.

I booked an eye test appointment on the GP’s advice because of my headaches and the fact that I had started seeing ‘floaters’. I had a thorough eye exam and the optician said my eyesight was good and my eyes were perfectly normal.

Around Christmas time I had a couple of weeks where I felt completely normal and back to my old self. The January came round and back came my physical symptoms.

I’m at the point now where every single day I feel in a complete fog. I wouldn’t say I feel dizzy or off balance but I just don’t feel with it. It’s so hard to explain how I feel. It’s feels like I have a severe hangover every single day. I had another GP appointment last week & the doctor prescribed me medication to help with headaches & anxiety.

It’s getting to the point where I feel so off it it’s affecting my work. Most mornings I get up and feel mentally & physically like I can’t get through my working day. I’m worried where this is going to end & I don’t know what my next step is.

My physical symptoms are -

  • On and off need to urinate more often than normal
  • 24/7 brain fog
  • Floaters in eyesight
  • Waking up with numb fingers/hands
  • Headaches
  • Fuzzy sensations in hands & feet
  • Hands shaky
  • Feeling like I can’t handle the working day

Can all the physical symptoms and the way I’m feeling really just be from anxiety? I’ve convinced myself I’ve got a serious neurological illness, but the couple of different GP’s I’ve spoken to don’t see the need to refer me to a neurologist, even though I’ve explained all the physical symptoms I’m experiencing, and these physical symptoms just seem to be getting worse.

Can anyone share similar experience or offer any advice. I’m really struggling here, thanks in advance.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    yes Craig, all of your physical symptoms can definitely be attributed to stress and anxiety. I have had every single one of your symptoms and my testing all came back normal and this was when I was in my 20s.

    My symptoms continued for quite a while and gradually diminished but to this day I might still get one here or there. I’m in my 50s now and I’m doing well. But if I don’t manage my anxiety well I might feel tired or have a symptom which I basically ignore.

    even if you have convinced yourself you have a serious disorder, that doesn’t mean that you have one. Your mind has convinced you but it’s not actually fact. I also convinced myself in my 20s of the same thing but I was 100% wrong. You’ve got to think more positive and since your testing was all normal, focus on managing your stress!

    Think of what in your life is causing you a lot of anxiety and stress. Could it be work? Family? Relationships? Sometimes we have stress and anxiety that we’re not even aware of and it’s causing symptoms.

    The symptoms are not the problem. The problem is the unmanaged stress and anxiety that causes the symptoms. Symptoms are simply your body‘s way of telling you that there’s too much going on. Too much stress and anxiety. It was a wake up call for me . I had to start making some changes in my life so that I could feel better and feel healthier. What you were going through

    originates in the brain. It’s called brain fatigue and it affects the rest of your body with symptoms.

    think about speaking with a counselor who specializes in anxiety. I learned a lot doing that. Things I hadn’t thought of before. You can feel a lot better by getting some support.

    And always remember that symptoms of anxiety are not harmful even though they can feel scary and weird.

    the worst thing you can do is sit around and think about this all the time because it just makes things worse.

    I do hope you feel better soon! Take care ❤

    • Posted

      Thank you for your response. What you say makes a lot of sense & it's reassuring to know you've been through similar experiences & have come out of the other side. I need to somehow break the downward spiral I'm in.

    • Posted

      hi im in the same boat constant physical symptoms and always convincing myself they are something worse. ive never fully experienced anxiety ti this extent before which i think is what makes me believe its not just that. i have the same eye floaters, constant derealisation feeling, head shaking constantly and muscle twitches, headaches. i had bloods tests all clear and doctor did neuro exam which was ok i still am not reassured though

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