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can you please tell me what the physio does for you in the way of exercising?

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    First 6 weeks were quad tightening, straight leg raises on bed and in chair, heel slides the same, buttock squeezes, leg raises with rolled towel under knee, knee hangs with ankle on rolled up towel, hamstring curls, heel raises and gentle squats holding onto back of chair.

    At 6 weeks it was a post op hip and knee class, bike, cross trainer, treadmill plus a few others that are not dissimilar to above with a few additions.

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    I had TKR seven years ago.

    Went for physio for quite a while afterwards.

    Just gently building up muscles again really but it was hard work.

    Exercises included bending the knee, straghtening the leg

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      thats what im doing. i also bought a mini exercise bike which i find very helpful.

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    my exercises are crucial to my improving I still wake up with pain but once i start my exercises im finding it getting easier. Everyday is different, from good to bad. i've learned that i cant have any expectations...

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    For me, weeks 3 through 12 post-op were with a Physical Therapist and the work concentrated almost exclusively on getting my ROM back. Started at -14 / +84 and finished at -1 / +123.

    After that, I consulted my daughter who is a graduate nutritionist plus a professional personal trainer certified by the American Council on Sports Medicine. She worked out an entire program for me based on rebuilding all the muscles that support the knee. This will take the pressure off the knee and put it back on the correct musculature where it belongs, enable you to walk properly, regain your balance and do stairs down the road like a normal person again. Here it is...

    TKR Muscle Rebuild

    Endurance before strength. This takes months if you are focused and dedicated. By 8 months, I was doing 11,000 steps per day; at 14 months, I could climb stairs two at a time without holding on to anything. ROM got to 0 / +133. Have fun...

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