physio treatment to help cough up phlem
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Hi all I am 60 years old and was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis about 18 months ago following a persistent cough for 18 months.
I have never smoked and always been reasonably fit.
Following the diagnosis from the hospital the consultants letter advised I should be treated as asthmatic, however my new doctor does not seem to have read this letter and following 3 months of very bad coughing a suspected collapsed lung feeling very tired and numerous antibiotics I lost my temper. Hey presto the doctor read the letter and put me on 200 micrograms of Qvar Easi-Breathe once in the morning and once at night, within a few days I had stopped coughing.
However 3 moths on I have been struggling to breath and felt very tired all the time, the Qvar is helping and I am slowly getting better but feel I would be even better if I could cough something up, I read that you can get physio and lessons to help cough phlem up.
Has anyone had experience of this and does it work.
I am afraid I am reluctant to go back to the doctors as I have lost all confidence in him and the medical profession, I sometimes think I seem to know more about my condition than him.
Any helpful advice would be welcome.
1 like, 43 replies
dragon1004 andrew97653
PS I hear what you're saying about your GP!! ;0)
andrew97653 dragon1004
sorry I didn't answer sooner but I have been away and not able to get broadband or 3G3G
Operalyn andrew97653
All the explanations on this forum about postural drainage physiotherapy are spot on but there is a useful online leaflet from Papworth hospital giving the positions, etc. which might help you even more. Google it!
andrew97653 Operalyn
sorry I haven't thanked you sooner but I have been away not been able to get broadband or 3G
Dayyam andrew97653
i dont understand your pain. But definetly know the pain yo loved ones undergoing to see you suffer. Just realising this. My friend has been diagnosed with this disease. He's just 24 & Its very hard for us to accept dis ,
i just hope u get well soon and lead a healthier life.
andrew97653 Dayyam
all the best andrew97653
Hacker andrew97653
1. Get to see a chest consultant on a regular basis.
2. Educate yourself as much as possible, you've made a start here, but read as much as you can on the condition
3. Take what a GP says with a very large pinch of salt, my consultant and GP are constantly at logger heads over my treatment.
On the none chemical side of treatment I spoke to my Consultant regarding Physio and although this was not ruled out she did suggest I try a Flutter device. I have to say that although I found this difficult to master at first, now that I have, I find it invaluable for clearing that hard to shift sticky glue like mucus you never seem to be able to move.
Hope this is helpful
Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link included in this post as we do not publish links to selling sites. Users can search Google for "flutter device" if they want further information.
andrew97653 Hacker
I will wait to see what the clinic says later this month.
take care Andrew97653
ruthie2673 andrew97653
If you are having yet another infection it is really important to be treated with the correct antibiotic and for that you need a sputum sample. The hospital needs to receive it ideally within 3 hours, so I always take mine up there as I don't think the GP practice can manage the 3 hour bit.
One of the problems for GPs I think is that they are always being told they prescribe too many antibiotics, but in our case they are absolutely vital...the correct one in the correct dosage for the correct amount of time.
lynne58044 andrew97653
andrew97653 lynne58044
supercough andrew97653
Patient Moderator Note: I have removed an URL (a link) from this reply as it was unsuitable for inclusion within these forums however I have provided a suitable replacement. Sorry for any inconvenience.
andrew97653 supercough
i have tried to reduce the easy breath qvar but every time I reduce the dose I have problems breathing.
what are the problems with using this long term?
mary08543 andrew97653
andrew97653 mary08543
i am dreading the winter and getting a cold after last winters experience I don't think I would cope with another one like that.
i have found that dust in particular causes my condition to flair up and alway ware my (Dart Vada) mask when doing any DIY or mowing the lawn Much to any onlookers amusement, but I don't care like I said I don't want to irritate my lungs.