Piece of foreskin attached to head of penis
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Hi, i’m 15, and i masturbate regularly. The rest of the skin has detached (on the left side of my penis head), but a piece is still attached on the right side. I pull on i sometimes, it comes off gradually, but it hurts. Should i just leave it?
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Pepasan g727
It's a fine balance between leaving it alone and encouraging it to separate. There's still time at your age for things to improve without assisting it, but if you can give it some help without it hurting, you may speed up the process. Be patient, and it'll probably eventually resolve itself.
g727 Pepasan
Pepasan g727
I hope you will get some replies from other forum members, but my reply would be that it's not necessarily normal, but it's not usually a big problem. Do you have a friend or family member you can talk to? If you don't want to do that, it might be good, if it is bothering you, to talk to your doctor, or if you are in the UK a local Sexual Health Clinic. You should legally be able to do this without having to have your parent's permission or knowledge. Sometimes a special cream (Corticosteroid) can help, but it's only available on prescription in the UK, I believe. Some doctors offer Circumcision, but your parent should know about that as it's a permanent change to the body which would require legal consent. Personally, I'm totally against circumcision as it is almost always unnecessary and takes away a lot of pleasure nerve endings and can't easily be undone, if at all.
g727 Pepasan
Wee_Dugie g727
If you want to research this yourself look up Phimosis - Tight Foreskin - Stretching.
Most likely it will eventually free itself. You can help the process by doing gentle stretches of your foreskin. Carefully draw the foreskin forward away from the head. You can also help the process by applying a little Anti-septic ointment (e.g. Germolene) to that side of the head of your penis, then stretch. See this more as a massage process with a bit of drawing forward of the foreskin at the same time. The best time to do this is after you have had a warm or hot shower. Over a period of months you can slowly increase the pressure you use. You are rather unlikely to do any real harm, unless you use severe force.
Let us know how you get on with this by updating you discussion on here .....
g727 Wee_Dugie
Wee_Dugie g727
g727 Wee_Dugie
melvyn07705 g727
It is very painfull when I seperate both and bleeds for a while and then heals up. I find this very distressing is there anything I can do to solve this problem.
Pepasan melvyn07705
Have you tried using moisturiser or antiseptic creams? I've experienced occasional adhesion as I get older, I think it's due to the skin getting drier with age (I'm 68). I use a cream over the glans and under the foreskin after cleaning to prevent dryness.
Wee_Dugie melvyn07705
Hi Melvyn, I am now 61 and have been dealing with these kinds of issues with my penis since I was around 16 YOA. Obviously I do not know your personal circumstances, but many men take there penis for granted that it will simply function in the way that we want it to for urination, or, sexual practices.
We need to be 'skin kindly' to areas of the body like this where we have the complication of the impact on the skin of different things going on on a daily basis. If you have the bleeding still, here is the sequence:
> get your skin as healthy as possible. Use your preferred Antiseptic cream such as TCP, Savlon, Gemolene, etc. Separate the Glans and Foreskin as much without making it bleed. Wash with water ONLY, or, a mild skin friendly soap such as simply, or one with known medical benefits such as Carbolic soap. Carefully dry the entire area. You may need to keep your own towel for this if you share the house with others. Apply the Antiseptic sparingly - never put a whole glob of it on and cover with your foreskin and leave it until the next day. Let your skin heal naturally and healthily so that it build a resistance, and can cope with being handled, and eventually, stretched (slightly) more than you can at the moment
> the next step is to build the amount of stretching. or amount of glans that you can safely expose without the skin bleeding. This may take quite some period of months before you feel anything different is going on. With the foreskin pull it very gently away from the body for a second or 2, then release.
If you are familiar with gym of sports excercise, YOU are staring from a very low base, and the idea is you build from doing negligible stretching, to the point where you feel you can definitely stretch it more than you previously did, without the bleed occurring.
You need to do the stretches everyday - grasp the foreskin gently and draw away from the body. Over a period of months, you can add more pressure, AND add more repetitions, AND the amount od time you hold the stretch before you release. This is not an Olympic sport, so don't think about dozens or repetitions, or holding the stretch for 40 seconds, 2 minutes or whatever. You are finding a level where your penis becomes familiar with being safely stretched, without negative (bleeding) consequence.
UNFORTUNATELY, if you get the bleeding back again, you need to start the whole process again of building the resilience again using the antiseptic, then the simplest of brief stretches, and so on.
IF the whole process starts to feel good you can build on this to broaden your stretches so that you are involving more of the skin on the shaft of the penis. Again, start very gently to start with, then build on this. THIS, has nothing to do with sexual function or self-pleasuring - it is purely about creating a penis that can withstand being handled as you once used to do, without the risk of a bleed. For this, as I say, you need to find how to be 'skin kindly' to your own penis .... Good Luck .....
HOWHARD melvyn07705
But did have ED and got myself back in the game and not with drugs, if interested get back to me, by the way 71 in two days time.
A576 g727
Pepasan A576