Pilnodial breakdown
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2 months, 1 broken down wound and it continues. On my second round of anti biotics as it's infected, it keeps breaking down and it won't stop. My gp, my nurse are useless and don't listen to me. I know something was wrong the first infection, and it's happened again. No one listens, I can't work, I can't do anything I've lost all control and I can't take it. I'm so isolated and Fed up, no one understands. I'm embarrassed a d humiliated on daily basis, I've lost all intimacy with my partner, I'm an emotional wreck. I want my life back, I want my job back. No one tells you how much this affects you psychologically and emotionally, my relationships, confidence and self-esteem. I don't know what to do, I miss my life.
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terri38536 shannon39398
Shannon I know from experience what you're going through I'm a mom of a 21 year old that has been going through this since 2012 he's been on endless amounts of antibiotics which is wiped out his immune system which were trying to get back now built back up. He's had nine pilidonal surgeries countless infections from staphylococcus, E coli and strep in the wound. Sometimes as we found uf the track is not 100% cut out it will grow and break through the skin again. So be sure to riluke that out. There was one breaking down was his 7th surgery was from a plastic surgeon because of skin Wouldn't Go Back Together. The surgeon had to go in and cut out old junk and scarred tissue from previous surgeries. Did they put a wound back on you after your surgery? After 8 surgeries we went to University of Alabama in Birmingham had a colon rectal doctor do his surgery this time he found old tracks. We were going to a general surgeon in fact we had two separate ones over the years. The first surgeon did his first 5 surgeries. The second surgeon operated on it twice and wanted to do it again but we said no we're finally taking him to UAB. He's currently healing from his 9th surgery they put no wound back on we're doing wet to dry gause and dressings. When they pack your wound are they using vashe in it? It kills all bacteria and keeps the wound away from infection it's spelled v a s h e it comes in a blue bottle has to be kept in a dark room so it's Purity It is expensive $25 a bottle. The wound vac yes it makes the wound to appear to be faster but he from surgery date till now we've done wet to dry with gauze and outside dressings. The wound vac doesn't let the tissue Bond strong enough and when you do wet to dry as it heals it pushes out the chance of infection wound vacs is just a faster way to get infection because the wound is getting no air. Previously we had wound vacs on and change dressings every other day. Changes this time from the UAB surgeon we're changing his dressings twice a day there is no infection at this current time and he is one month post-op from his nineth surgery. He had to homeschool the last two years of high school he has not been able to hold down a job. He has one friend that comes to visit him and hang out. Because it is embarrassing and hard to deal with. I had never even heard of pilidonal cyst disease until it showed up on Joey the summer of 2012 at age 16. Now that with his last surgery and hearing that there was old tracks found. We are so mad that we didn't go to UAB colon and rectal Dr at the second surgery. Ask to have an MRI done to rule out osteomyelitis. It is a bone infection that can only be treated with 6 wks of IV Vancomycin and 30 days of hyperbaric chamber. Joey had that the 6th surgery, so we thought that was why it kept coming back. You have to fight and stand up to be you're own advocate. Praying that you find the answers I would recommend not going with a GP or general surgeon because sometimes because of the previous eight surgeries the track was not all taken out. Also ask the surgeon if he uses blue dye to find the ooen tracks. The dye goes in the tracks and the surgeon knows what to cut out. As his parents we feel we let him down.
So seek out the best colon and rectal surgeon in your area, ask for a CT and MRI. I would recommend wet to dry dressings with Vashe twice a day. Don't use a wound vac.
As Joey's mom I gave learned how to change dressings, do IV bag changes and countless other medical procedures for my son.
Praying you get some help from the right surgeon and finally get rid of the cyst for good. All the Drs Joey has seen has never heard of 9 pilidonal cyst disease ever. So we are praying this will be Joey's last with this battle. I have to say Joey had had an good insight to this whole thing. He tells people he is trying to be a butt model and they haven't gotten it right yet. Lol
shannon39398 terri38536
Thanks for the reply, wow! I feel for your son, I hope to hell I don't have to have that many surgeries I'm a total Jesse. My nurse told me to leave a wet bloody bandage on for four days to promote flora growth?!? That's were it all went wrong for me. No one seems to have a clue, I currently get it changed x1 a day at my gp and it's packed with aquacel and covered with an adhesive plaster--less painful than tape and gauze. Has your son ever had experience with sitz baths? I've been instructed to leave it totally dry and to not change the packing, even when there's nasty exudate.
terri38536 shannon39398
When he is recuperating from the surgeries he just washes himself off with a sink full of water and soap. He doesn't get it wet, changes 2 times a day. We have used aquaseal in the past, But at this time his wound was cut 5 inches long, 6 inches deep and 2 inches wide. They other surgeries he was cut 12 inches long 6 in wide and deep. Always left opened like a filet fish...We use Vashe as if it was gold so infection doesn't show up. That nurse that told u to not change the dressing for 4 days is nuts. Hope you have a great outcome soon.
shannon39398 terri38536
I'll have to look into that vashe stuff, sick of the nurses saying we will give you anti biotics but don't swab until almost a week later, and the wound is bleeding more an is more painful. Ouch! That's a lot bigger than mine, I was about the size of a golf ball
oh I know! The nurse argues that she and the staff are providing the best possible care and that I should be grateful. Grateful? For x2 infections and continued wound breakdown? Ha! I know it's common and it's 'normal' but when left with 'leave the bloody bandage on for days, don't change it oh wait change it, a car journey caused the infection not the bloody bandage'. I have a strong dislike for my gp lately.
terri38536 shannon39398