Pilonidal cyst surgery tomorrow
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Well I'm a 23 year old femal and have been having issues since I was 18. I had to have it lanced two years ago and I would have a flare up around every three months. And let's just say it's PAINFUL stuff! I am currently worried about having children since this is an ongoing infection, so I finally decided to have the surgery..for years I have gotten on the Internet and read awful/horrific stories about the surgeries and I have put it off as long as I feel was possible..I am scheduled for tomorrow morning..the surgeon says that he has done this procedure before and he says that he closes the wound with stitches...sounds a lot better than a gaping hole that has to be filled with gauze..but then i read all of these stories about how the stitched wounds don't heal right and so on....I am TERRIFIED! I asked the nurse what the recovery time was and she said that she doesn't see why I couldn't be back to work on Monday...(my surgery is tomorrow,Thursday) whaaaaat? Anyways...I am praying that this surgery helps me and makes this awful issue go away for good. I feel for everyone that has to go through this I will keep you updated on how surgery goes and the healing process......say a prayer for me 🙏??
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josy88955 shiniah22
Try not to spook yourself with the horror stories, especially so close to actually having it done...I did that and was shaking like a leaf when it came to surgery, got myself so worked up I had a panic attack! Try to remember that people don't tend to post stories online about how perfect the surgery went and how amazing the healing on their bottom is! Also, everybody heals differently.
Best case you're going to be free of the butt curse, worst case you have to carry on pretty much as you are now. Either way it's out of your hands, I still have mine but I do know someone who had successful surgery and hasn't had a single issue!
Let us know how you get on! Wishing you all the best
dave2702 shiniah22
Hi Shiniah, you've probably had surgery now, how did it go. Did they give you a choice of procedure, as I understand there a several variations dependning on size and location of cyst. Were you out of hospital same day, or overnight. I am due surgery on 14th March (not looking forward to it)
How often do you need to change dressings, can you do it yourself? Hopefully all the infection has been cleared for good, and you can plan to have children at last. Prayer said!
josy88955 dave2702
I had surgery on mine in September Dave, I wasn't given a choice of procedure. They made the decision for me although to be honest I can't remember what it was called. I was out the same day and back two weeks later to have the stitches removed. I changed the dressing every day and was able to do that myself with the help of a mirror.
Best of luck
dave2702 josy88955
Thanks Josy. I was hoping I could change my own dressings as I still find it a bit embarrassing to show that part of my anatomy to the nice nurse at my clinic! How long did you have to do the dressings for? Did the hospital provide them? Are you still in pain? Do you think the surgery was worthwhile, as I have heard a lot of people still bleed or have recurrences of the cyst. Thanks for sharing your experience. Dave
josy88955 dave2702
I felt the same, it's natural to want to hang on to a bit of dignity! They gave me dressings for the first few days but I had to get more from the chemist. I have had problems with mine, I healed slowly and it came back before the healing process had a chance to finish but I still think there must be 100 people who have no issues but don't mention it compared to those of us with issues that join forums etc looking for answers.
Either way I highly recommended a coccyx cushion, Epsom salts and/or tea tree oil in the bath and a good supply of dressings.
dave2702 josy88955
josy88955 dave2702
Yes, I'll be going back in although I'd like to hold off until it's less tender. Some of us are unlucky but I do think we're the minority. Don't let the unlucky ones spook you.
JCB1973 shiniah22
Good luck and thank you for sharing your story, my daughter is currently being treated using a vac pump! Slow process, be lovely to hear how you get on. 😇🙏
Hello! it is now Sunday night and I had my surgery Thursday..and I don't want to jinx anything, but I have had a rather pleasant (as pleasant as surgery on my bottom goes) experience. My doctors and nurses were absolutely amazing and made me feel very comfortable with everything. I did not get to decide what procedure was done, but they did stitch it up and they also put a couple staples in as well...I do have a draining tube in, but that is getting taken out tomorrow...and I promise it's really not as bad as it sounds...as far as dressing, I can do it myself and I change it as needed,which I change it every day due to not wanting an infection to start. I must say going into surgery I really thought I would be in a lot more pain, but I'm really not...compared to having to deal with the cyst itself this pain is much more tolerable. Really little to no pain. Crazy right? Due to my experience if I was asked if I would recommend this procedure being done (based on my experience) I would highly recommend it. Granted it's only been a couple days, but everything is looking promising. I go in tomorrow to remove the tube and I will ask him where to go from here. I do start back to work Tuesday.
I will keep updated on the healing process. I'm really hoping things continue going up as they are now. Again I really do feel for anyone going through this. It suuuucks!
deepak0987 shiniah22
to my duty which requires manual work.
So I need to know
1.Whether u asked to take bath and clean the operated area by water?
2.Do discuss with the Dr about the care to b taken to avoid any reoccurrence.
dave2702 shiniah22
hi shiniah,
great to hear that it all went so well. I hope mine is the same when i go for surgery on 14th March. Good that you can do your own dressings, I wouldnt want to visit my nurse every day. Do you need to take painkillers or antibiotics? I've been told to keep the area hair-free. Have you any tips on this....i find it very awkward! Hope your success continues .
shiniah22 dave2702
I hope your surgery goes well and that you don't have to deal with this issue any more!
As far as pain killers, they did give me some and yes I have taken a few, but it was more as a precaution, like when I would start to feel some pain I would take one just in case it got worse...but I will say I use an ice pack as well for when I start feeling pain and it works well.
And as for the hair, my surgeon was surprised when he found out I had this due to the fact I don't have much hair around the area..so he's thinking it was more from trauma, so he never said anything about keeping it hair free...but in my personal opinion, you would think that would cause more infected hairs and lead to more problems?? I'm not sure at all that's something I would definitely talk to your doctor about
As for antibiotics, I started an antibiotic a week before my surgery because my surgeon wanted to make sure the infection was completely gone, and it was a 14 day antibiotic so I am currently still taking it, I will ask today if this is the only antibiotic I will be taking
shiniah22 deepak0987
I was told after surgery not to submerge my stitches/staples/draining tube in water, and also to not let it remain wet for too long...I asked if I needed to use anything on it and they told me not to scrub the area and that water could run over it. Again I had surgery Thursday, and it is now Monday. I will ask again today how to properly clean the area.
My doctor seems to believe mine won't reoccur. I'm not as sure as he is considering I have done my fair share of research. But to answer your question, he did not discuss with me the care to avoid a reoccurrence. He did say to keep it clean as possible. With changing bandages and stuff to keep the infection away due to causing more issues. And possibly a reoccurance.
I hope this helps
and good luck!
laura29966 shiniah22
Hi there,
I'm a 17 year old female and I have suffered with a pilonidal sinus for a year now, I am having surgery on it tomorrow, thankfully only day surgery! But I am so scared! My mum who used to be a nurse said to expect it to be painful so I'm not looking forward to that! Have you got any tips or advice? I'm thankful to finally be getting rid of it!!
shiniah22 laura29966
My advice is to 1. Take a deep breath and trust your doctors. You are in good hands
2. It's better to expect pain than to not, and they gave me pain pills but I only take them as needed..
3. Take it easy for a while. Don't over do it
4. They didn't tell me to use an ice pack, but I have a friend who is a nurse and she recommended me use one when it starts to hurt, and I do and it works pretty well
I am pretty happy I went through with it, and I'm sure you will be too! I'm sorry you have to go through this, but just keep thinking this could be the last of it! I wish you the best and I'll be praying for a quick and full recovery
laura29966 shiniah22
I'm in hospital having it done today, this morning the surgeon came in and spoke to me and saw it and said it's really deep so aswell as general anaesthetic I have to have local anaesthetic and they'll have to cut all the way down to the bone to remove it so I'm pretty scared!!! He also said to expect it to hurt more after than it does now, very reassuring!! I have a really low pain tolorance too!! But I'm glad to finally be getting rid of it!! I can't sit down for more than half an hour without it hurting and I have had it for a year now so I'm just glad to be getting rid of it!!
shiniah22 laura29966
Well you are in my thoughts girl! Hope everything goes fine just take it easy for a while
hope to hear how it goes and how your healing process is. Hoping for the best!