Pilonidal Sinus/Cyst Fibrin Glue Operation
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Thought I would post my experience, I have had a pionidal sinus for the past six years, not known though until around 10 months ago when it actually burst (save the gore)! I finally went to my doctor and explained this strange lump at the bottom of my back and the nasty stuff that was now coming out of it, she advised that it was a pionidal sinus and explianed the operation solution, which would be cutting it out and the healing by secondary intention and this could take some time to heal etc, etc! I asked to be refered to the hospital for a chat with a surgeon, got seen with in 1 month, which is good for NHS standards!! They confirmed again what the problem was and advised me of a new treatment which was being developed by a surgeon who has a particular interest in these, Fiberin Glue and he was based at my local hospital in Derby! Basically, they put you under general then scrape out the sinus and fill it and any tracts with the glue and it invloves being able to return to normal life almost straight away! I went in to hospital and had this done on 27th April, I returned to work on 5th May, 1 week later! So far so good, some scabbing and have 2 small stitches which will disolve in another week or so but I am really hoping that this will be cured!!
I feel for anyone who has this, it is soooo uncomfortable and makes you feel so self concious when it leaks and you are out and about!
Anyway, not sure if this is only available in the UK or not but lets hope it's the way forward!
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It would be great if you could give progress reports and healing or re-occurances, as non invasive surgery would be great.
Thank you for thinking this was a good post for starters! I hope it might help some people because I 2 felt a little lost and the fear of god put in to me at having such a horrid operation and so much time off work!
Here is my 2 week update....
Right, it has been 2 weeks to the day that I had my operation and I feel fine! First week, as I put in my original post, quite sore with some scabbing and a little bit of draining but when I say little I mean less than a zit/spot! Was quite uncomfortable to sit down normally but I will warn you I am a wimp and the thought of stitches makes me go weak at the knees and not in a good sense!
I started back to work as I said, one week after my operation and I have had no problems at all! My husband checks it for me every day and last night he looked and said the actual main pilonidal sinus hole is closing up really well and the stitches had almost gone.
So all in all, I feel so much better that hopefully this damn thing won't return or if it does, I will have this operation again as I am not prepared to put myself through weeks/months of healing to have it return.
I would really advise that you mention to your docs about the Fiberin glue technique that I have had done and will check back to this site and give more updates if you want. I do have a follow up appointment in around 4 weeks so will let you know how I get on.
Good look though and stay comfy!
I've just found out today that I have one and I have to go see the doctor to be referred to a surgeon. I'm a complete hypochondriac so i've managed to terrify myself into thinking it's worse than it probably is.
With the glue technique, can you explain how that works please? If the sinus is filled with this glue does that mean that the lump is still there but filled with glue instead of pus etc?
How likely is it for recurrence?
Update time...... I have nothing to update, I am fully healed and feeling sooo much better! Nice to be living life with out that pain in the ass (sorry)!! My stitches had desolved after not even 3 weeks and the Pilonidal hole is now closed and healed. I have a follow up appointment at the hospital at the end of July to make sure there is nothing wrong I guess!
[b:9c2c448815]In response to madcs[/b:9c2c448815] - That is excatly how I am, I am so scared of anything medical, no word of a lie I have passed out at an X-Ray sign in the hospital. I am a nightmare!! :oops:
My advice is to ask about this treatment, for me it has worked brilliantly and the surgeon even said mine was worse than he originally thought and was really deep.
Basically, they give you the general ana, inject dye in to the hole which shows up any further tracts that might be branching off the main sinus (mine was), scrape out all the crap and pus in them and inject it with the glue, if needs be, add a couple of stitches and your done!
The registra said it was about as efective as the other ops but obviously less painful and disruptive to your life!
Anymore questions, please don't hesitate to ask, but don't worry, these might be annoying but they are not life threatening!! Don't live with it but ask about this fibrin glue, it's got 100% from me! :D
Good luck!
Fatz103 Guest
I have very recently been diagnosed with a Pilondal Sinus - after about 5 months of it being called an abcess or a cyst or a spot!
The surgeon didn't really discuss options but just said it will a big cut and you will be off your feet for at least 4 weeks!
I am not happy about this especially after just starting a new job (after being unemployed for 12 months).
Please can you let me know the name of the person at Derby who is using the Fibrin glue method AND whether you have had any recurrence to date.
(The NHS website only refers to fibrin glue treatment for fistulas and even then it says it has a really low success rate of 14%).
I'm interested in this Fibrin glue treatment too as I've just been diagnosed with PS and have been scheduled for an operation. However the consultant told me that the procedure they use will be decided upon on the day which I'm not too happy about. I floated the idea of the glue treatment to him but he pretty much dismissed me out of hand.
I'm rather worried about the recurrence rates and also the healing time. I honestly cannot afford to take that much time off of work so the fibrin glue seems to solve all of my problems.
If you could give me the name of the Surgeon that performed the treatment at Derby I'd be interested in trying to speak to him. I'd be more than willing to travel there.
Was it a Dr **** who you saw at *****?
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Charliewales Guest
I've had 8 operations in total and maybe another one coming. I've just read a little on the procedure you have had, would like to know more if you have the time. Thanks
cooly Guest
stephen94767 Guest
Like many others here I just found your post and I have what is being called a cyst In that general area. Â And like others the initial solution being floated is removal via knife which I do not want esp after reading about fibrin glue. Â About 7 years ago I had an infected sebaceous cyst which was removed by knife and local ana and it took me awhile to recover as the hole was very deep.
Could you please message me or let me know how I can get in touch -- I would be grateful if you could give me the contact details for your physician in Derby.
Many thanks
arunkohli99 Guest
sadiemarie Guest
I am glad I found your blog, about fibrin glue for this condition. Which hospital and surgeon did you see, as I would like to suggest to my doctor this line of treatment. I have gone the usal way of 2 ops, neither succesful and it might work for me. Did u get the treatment on NHS, if not how much did it cost, because I would pay if it would help, so I can get my life back.
Thanks Issy
Thank you for letting us know.