Pilonidal Sinus surgery, hasn't healed very well

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Hi everyone, 

I had surgery for a pilonidal sinus 10 days ago, it was a excision of pilonidal sinus and direct closure with sutures.

I've been to various nurses (everyday) to get the dressing changed, everything went smoothly till 5 days ago when the nurse said i might have a small infection, got prescribed Flucloxacillin 500mg.

I went to the nurse yesterday and she said one of my stitches had come out, but seemd to be healing ok..

Today i visited the nurse and all the sutures at the top have opened and she removed them, said it was probably due to the infection/me moving about, i've been prescribed Metronidazole 400mg, told to keep redressing it everyday and told that it will be healed from the inside out so may take longer to heal.

Does anyone know how long it takes to fully heal to a level where i don't need to keep dressing it?

I go on Holiday in mid June, so have around 2 weeks before it.

Would this also cause a problem?

Will it be ok to go to this holiday aslong as i remain out of the water and redress it everyday?

Feel a bit lost right now in regards to information available

Thank you for any help.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there, I've written on here before as my son suffered with this for quite a long time, so our sympathies as its a nightmare! They can take various amounts of time to heal I think, my sons was bad, so took quite a while. After this last op we were dressing it for some months. I'm only saying this because no one told him about the importance of keeping it very clean and dry. He cd have been saved a lot of stress and pain if they had! Are you having yours packed? If you are I would say def don't stop dressing it too soon as it can cause a problem in long term. Have you still got an infection?
    • Posted

      Hi Gill09,

      So sorry to hear that about your son, hope he is ok now.

      I'm having mine redressed, so they do a quick clean with a saline solution and then the nurse covers it with a film dressing and non-adherent pad to cover it.

      Infection wise, the Nurses/Doctors have just told me to take the prescribed antibiotics and it should help.

      I've been told to keep it clean, but difficult to get dirty since it's completely covered.

      Should i just keep going as normal?

  • Posted

    Thanks, it's all good now. I would say definitely keep taking the antibiotics and having it cleaned. The main thing the latest surgeon changed for my son was to use a porous dressing not the film ones, he said that it needed to breathe and for any seepage to come out. So I'm not saying change it, but maybe be aware of this in case it doesn't heal? Wishing you all the best as its a terrible thing!! My son also had antibiotic cream we used on it when the infection wouldn't go. 
  • Posted

    Hi dear,

    Sorry to hear it. But I have something to share.

    I have been through same thing.

    I got operated in November 2015.. it was Romboidal flap surgery... had internal dissolvable stitches and outside normal stitches... on tenth day all stitches were removed by doc saying all is gng good n well...

    after few days there was slight blood n pus... I was shocked how come , Dan my surgeon checked it... he found that the area where he opened stitch on tenth day, it got breaked I.e. slight dimple opening..

    Had antibiotics and ointments,regular dressing. But month passed no betterment.. he planned to restitch that portion.

    When he opened and found internal stitch s not dissolved I.e. y it happened.... Then he cleaned and restitched it.. but to my surprise during 4th day while stitches were on, again blood and pus. On 8th day he removed stitches and found same opening at same place...

    Then he decided to leave it open... allopathic medicines , dressing daily... no betterment.. I took homeopathic for healing.. it helped though but very slow.. Five months passed like this...

    And I am home since then as when first time happened doctor said take rest , no sitting, no much walk. No stress at all..

    Then he said later start walk and reduce weight .. Did that as well...

    But to my surprise end result was MRI redo and found synus again.

    So will undergo surgery in next month as it's in growing state. And it's not reoccurrence but continuation , as infection grew inside ... it was supposed to be cured when he restitched it.

    My office s 300km away from my city. But thankfully I am doing work from home since than.

    But my suggestion is take proper rest. Take medicine and observe for 15-20 days, else go for MRI again..

    Not to scare you, but don't want anyone to face time like m doing. So just trying to be of help.

    And yes no pressure on that area. Don't pik heavy weighted items at all. Lesser sitting... diet should be more of iron and fruits as it helps to generate tissues quickly.... Don't have packed juices go for fresh ones. Don't eat citrus stuff.. No curd.. doctors won't stop from it, but it helps.

    I wish you luck n pray you be fine soon n go for ur holidays and enjoy to fullest ..



  • Posted

    Hi i have just had the same done on the 25th of last month it was stiched then they said it fell through as yhe top burst open and it was a good thew inches long and deep but now after a couple week of just putting a simple gause over it with some tape to keep it in place and also daily putting some gel the nurse give me its like a tiny circle now but tbh i had it packed first time round and i was a really fast healer eating right lots of fluids and there msut ov been a small infection as the nurse took a swab and end up giving me anitbiotics again yesterday but still all is looking good mine still leaks a little onto the gause does your still do this? But hopefully we should both be on the mend sooner rather then later these are a nightmare when they told me it fell through again i was really depressed but its looking good atm just fingers crossed !
    • Posted

      Good luck to you both, they never seem to be straightforward and think they can often break down and get infected, my son has been through awful time but there's definitely light at end of tunnel. His seeped for ages, infection was the problem for him too.

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