Pimple Bumps pubic hair area
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I'm am scared to death again I got these pimple bumps feel like hive bumps but they come to like a pimple soreness in pubic hair area close to vaginal opening (not inside) lower part of vaginal opening not inside. I have like three 2 on one side and 1 on the other. When it first comes on it feels like a bump under the skin then it comes to top and gets sore to touch. I am shaking with fear!
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natacha66 Guest
Vaginal boils are also somewhat similar to vaginal pimples but differ in that vaginal boils are more severe and painful than vaginal pimples. Get them diagnosed properly by experienced dermatologist.
Do not use Benzoyl peroxide for treating vaginal pimples as this compound is irritating to the mucosal area. It is strongly advised not to use Benzoyl peroxide unless your dermatologist or doctor prescribes it.
Soaking with hot compress is helpful in treating vaginal pimples. Hot compresses helps reduce inflammation, irritation and pain.
Do not use any remedy unless it is diagnosed properly by a qualified dermatologist.
Guest natacha66
at first they came up like hive a bump under the skin and then a few days later it comes more to top and sore to touch or rub. I'v had them come and go before but usual just one at a time and not so close to the opening this time I got two one one side and one on the other only 1 is real close to opening or side of inner lip ...Anyone else had these ?
LM2114 Guest
I had this too, huge one very painful and sore, my gyn put me on antibiotics she said is another peri sympthom since hormons are acting all crazy, she also said to do epson salts bath to help heal faster, mine is finally gone...that is when I learned all my crazy symptoms where thsnks to peri, I wad on the pill for 20 years and I started noticing changes, I stoped the pill a year ago because my blood pressure was rising so I was afraid the pill was causing that but this padt year has being crazy sympthomatic, the full ride, it's no fun
all I keep telling myself is "this too shall pass"
LM2114 Guest
looloo43 Guest
Hi Crosado. i personally would definately go to docs on monday for proper diagnosis before trying any medications with the exception of an epsom salt bath. I have a bartolin cyst "down there" I've had for years& occasionallyit flares up - very painful & oozes discharge. I've also had the odd blocked hair folicle "down there" which produces the same symptoms as you. hope this helps a bit. x
Sochima822 Guest
Guest Sochima822
Sochima822 Guest
Yes, sort of looks & feels like a pimple or several pimples. No, I just do it dry. I put it directly on the boils in powder form. Not a paste the idea is to keep the area dry.
Guest Sochima822
Sochima822 Guest
Yes, and I'm sensitive to pain! I just figured that something drying would do it so I figured either salt or cornstarch. Salt works too, but only if you use it in the shower, put some salt in bowl add some water and wash the area with it. It wiill also dry it out but the cornstarch & baking powder was more effective or do both.