Pinching/squeezing sensations in deep in head!?!?

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Hello! Okay so I'm gonna try and make this as simple as possible. I'm not so good at explaining things... Sorry.

About me: I'm a 16 year old female. I've had Svt for 4 years. I had heart surgery 7 months ago but sadly it didn't work. (Adding these in cause I don't know what might be causing this.) I'm slightly overweight (chubby) but not to bad.

Issue: It started with a Sharp pain up though my neck to behind my left eye. I felt constantly dizzy and feel foggy headed. Now its an on and off pinching/squeezing feeling in the middle and back of my head. It almost feels as if something is actually in my head moving (like worms. It sounds weird but thats actually what it feels like) I also get a bad pinching sensation on the bridge of my nose. The pinching doesn't really hurt its just uncomfortable. I'm still dizzy and light headed often. I've also notice a decrease of sight in my left eye. Blurred and full.

Duration: The pain started 2 months ago. Pinching started last week.

I'm really not sure what to think of this. I don't have the money to get and MRI but I'm terrified I have a brain tumor or brain aneurysm.

Does anyone know what this is? Please help!?!?!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    You should really try to save some money for an MRI with contrast because that will give you a lot of answers quickly , it worked for me when I thought I had brain cancer but it turned out Meniere disease .

    Mental fog and dizziness can be the heart too.

    Take care of yourself

  • Posted

    Hi Micaela. I don't know what svt is? However, the symptoms you describe could possibly be related to you having had heart surgery. You shd definitely see your doctor and describe the symptoms. I doubt it has anything to do with your brain. Your doctor will know what tests are necessary, and if you need them. Also, I don't know how long ago you had heart surgery? But see your doctor and let him/her figure it out. Best wishes and hope you get your diagnosis.


    • Posted

      I had the surgery around 7 months ago. Thank you for the advice! I'll just have to wait and see what my doctor says I guess.

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