Pink sections in my stool

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I’ve noticed pink sections in my stool lately, I don’t know if it’s blood or not. It’s not like that everyday, but it happens quite often. The stool is light brown-yellow and some sections of it are bright red or pink. I’m freaked out as I have no idea what it might be. Anyone else experienced something like this?

I’m going to see a doctor on the 5th of June so hopefully nothing bad will happen until then. Other than that, I don’t really get the burning sensation in my belly anymore, but I do get abdominal pain and I feel sick most of the time throughout the day.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Pain specifically where exactly? Do you feel bloated ? And the feeling of fullness after eating very little?
    • Posted

      Pain at the sides of my belly button or in my ribs, mostly my right side and pain sometimes goes to my hip bone in my right side. I sometimes get pain in the middle just where my stomach is as well. I do get bloated and get full quickly depending on what I eat. I’ve woken up bloated the past few days.
    • Posted

      Have you checked for gallstone? It might be IBS too
    • Posted

      Not yet not been suggested by doc. Will see what they say when I go back.
    • Posted

      OK please keep notifying what the doctor says keep us updated ., may you have a speedy recovery ., take care
  • Posted

    I think you will not be hurt to learn about the infusion from the bark of oak. There will be no harm, but the benefits may turn out to be timely
    • Posted

      The bark of the oak should be poured with boiling water and cover it with a lid for four hours and drink two or three sips three times a day. the bark heals wounds
  • Posted

    Have you eaten anything pink or red? It may be undigested food particles. Try a food diary to see if any foods are not digesting.
    • Posted

      I remember I ate a strawberry cupcake at some point but I don’t know how long before I passed the stool. I had raspberries two days prior to it as well but I pass a stool everyday so idk the raspberries might have been long gone by then.
    • Posted

      It may still be  a possibility that the raspberries and strawberry appeared in your stool. Avoid these foods to see if your stools go back to normal.  There is a link between you eating these foods and seeing pinkish or reddish substances in your stool.
    • Posted

      I’ve had diarrhoea since I woke up so stool has been yellow. It’s also hard to tell as I am on my period now.
    • Posted

      When your stool passes through you too quickly, this can cause yellow stools.  Bilrubin makes your stools brown.  The bilrubin will not have had enough time to do this when you have had diarrhoea.    In the case of IBS, periods will feel more painful and IBS will feel worse.  Hormones play a large part in IBS.

      I don’t know what you have, but your doctor will be able to diagnose and reassure you. Do not be frightened!

    • Posted

      My tummy was really painful a the day before yesterday but it’s been alright since yesterday, meaning there’s still a tiny bit of pain but it’s not too bad. Haven’t experienced much nausea either. Stool was still soft in the morning so am hoping it will come back to normal. I really hope the doctor will be helpful. Thank you so much!
    • Posted

      Ask your doctor about IBS because it causes pain to come and go in the way you describe and changes your bowel habits.  Some people have sensitivity to wheat with IBS. 
    • Posted

      I’ll ask ❤️ I really hope I won’t get ignored again. Just because I’m young, it doesn’t mean I can’t be ill.
    • Posted

      I don’t think you are being ignored. The problem is more that your doctors will not know what is wrong with you and you will need lots of tests to rule things out.  If your tests are negative, this can confuse them more.  I had thorough testing but nothing showed up and I was told that my symptoms were confusing and they didn’t have a clue. The best they could offer me was redoing the tests to see if anything was missed.  However, on my eighth doctor visit, another doctor told me there was no need to repeat the tests because my symptoms were no better or worse and I hadn’t developed anything else in three and a half months.  So he concluded I had IBS.  Abdominal pain can be very hard to diagnose.

      Keep being persistent and go back to your doctor multiple times if necessary.  This approach worked for me.   If you don’t get help, change your doctor.

    • Posted

      You’re right. This is my third visit so I’m getting there hopefully. I can’t explain in words how much I hate going to the doctors tho 😥 I just hate it. I’m wondering if my stomach will ever be okay again. 

      How are are you feeling these days?

    • Posted

      I had eight visirs to my doctor before getting diagnosed.  At the moment, my IBS is in complete remisssion.

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