Pins and needles, numb muscles, dizziness and brain fog all of a sudden
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Over the past couple of weeks I've been dealing with some really strange symptoms and feelings. I've been feeling detached from reality, as if I'm part of a dream or a video game? My eyesight isn't blurry, I can see perfectly fine but it feels really weird, like hazy and fuzzy almost like I'm drunk (kind of like just before you're about to get a migraine). The worst part is I've been suffering with strange nerve sensations throughout my body, I will feel pins and needles in my arm, skull or face which then turns to a severe burning feeling that causes me to go very lightheaded and feel extremely nauseous. The burning then turns to complete numbness and muscle weakness and can last up to 4 hours but the initial onset really causes me to panic.
Been to the doctors and A&E as Google keeps telling me I'm having stroke symptoms (despite only being 20 years old) and I have been told a number of times that I am dealing with worsened anxiety and the physical symptoms are panic attacks. I have suffered with anxiety for a while now and was prescribed beta blockers anyway but was not taking them, so the doctor told me to start taking them regularly. I began doing this about 7 days ago and noticed my symptoms becoming much worse with regular use; I began to feel constantly like I wasnt sober, I had memory loss and mental confusion, very strange feelings in my scalp, really bad nervous rushes in my chest and complete physical exhaustion.
I realised yesterday that these "episodes" of pins and needles, dissociation and sickness are happening after taking the beta blockers so I have told my doctor who has told me to definitely stop taking them. Today I felt much better all day having not taken one, however this evening I noticed my eyesight feeling strange again and I feel really weird/tingly.
My main concern is that I'm very afraid I have something wrong with either my brain or central nervous system as all these symptoms began the week that I had a mysterious growth removed, doctors have no idea what it was but I'm worried it was caused by a virus that has attacked my CNS. Either that or I have been left with some kind of nerve damage due to the high dose antibiotics that I was put on due to doctors thinking the growth was infected?
The doctors keep telling me its anxiety as the symptoms are causing me to panic, but whatever is causing the symptoms feels very neurological and strange. I'm convinced something more serious is going on but just keep getting told that I'm convincing myself of this because I'm anxious. I'm going to try and make it to the end of the week and see if no longer taking the beta blockers will rid me of these horrible feelings but if not, is there no type of scan or test etc that the doctors can do to check for nerve damage? These feelings are really scaring me and I feel that they are only getting worse which is convincing me that something is wrong, I'm scared that I have some type of disease or will have a seizure due to the weird feeling in my brain
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joaquin00537 NuclearLime
Hi, I experience the same symptoms and also got them out of mow where but I also got panic attacks accompanied with it. My doctors tell me its anxiety to and right now I am experiencing pain all over my body and sensitivity to noise. I saw a neurologist and they are going to do an mri of my head and spine to make sure its nothing neurological which they think its not and just anxiety. I am also getting an emg done for my muscle weakness and pains. You should tell your doctor to refer you to a neurologist.
jan34534 NuclearLime
try and relax because many people have had your exact symptoms including myself.
I was scared at first because I had symptoms from head to toe and also thought I had a neurological disease. but then realized that all of my symptoms were due to long-term stress and anxiety.
Anxiety tends to show symptoms in the nervous system but those symptoms are harmless. Mine all started in my 20s and I’m now in my 50s and fine.
I had to learn how to manage my anxiety and stress better. That was helpful but my symptoms lingered on and off for a while but that’s OK .
of course, if I do happen to feel anxious I might get a little symptom here or there but I just ignore it and it eventually goes away.
I highly encourage you to not try and self diagnose because you’ll just scare yourself for no reason.
see if you can get some counseling to help you manage this
. You need some support right now.
you can go ahead and get testing done with a neurologist but it will most likely be normal.
The more you overthink the worse you will feel.
also try to work on eliminating things in your life that’s causing you stress and anxiety. Or learn how to deal with it in a different way. That’s where that counselor comes in. Take care