Pins and needles sensation in back
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Has anyone ever felt like you were being stuck in your back with pins or needles? Yesterday I kept feeling like that in my back along with shoulder sensitivity and weak feelings in my legs when I go to stand. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
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helen95781 sharcerv52408
Feel so fed up with all symptoms. I am having to put up with headaches, breast pain and dizziness at the moment. The good thing is I know it will pass. It will for you too.
Oh the joys of being a woman. Let's keep on going because we will get through this.
Take care.
Helen. x
sharcerv52408 helen95781
val50972 sharcerv52408
Horrible, isn't it, when you can't take your own body for granted any more? Like Helen says though, it must pass. Hope it's soon. I wish I could hibernate until it's gone.
Hope your pins and needles stop soon.
Be kind to yourself
sharcerv52408 val50972
shaznay96184 sharcerv52408
I have all sorts of aches and pains, but are starting to understand them more, putting them in context I suppose.
My next sister up (62. On HRT for 8yrs) had keyhole surgery on her rotator cuff of right shoulder 18mths ago. Really successful. So when I got pain & creaking in my left shoulder I was convinced it was the same. However.....having read more and more posts on this wonderful site, I'm now thinking its more likely to be perimenopausal-related.
Around November I did some gardening. Ended up with pain in my hip that channelled up to my shoulders, neck etc. Sod the gardening - I'm not doing that again in a hurry!
Pain in hips etc went, but since early December, I've had really aching shoulders and now my elbows = horrible.
For a while now I've experienced pins n' needles in my arms when I'm reading in bed and have to put my arms in the air and pump my fists to get rid of it: thought it was a trapped nerve or something.
But I truly believe that all these symptoms and aches n' pains I'm experiencing are solely caused by the bloody peri!!!
Oh, and don't get me on the restless legs - how my ol' man puts up with me shifting around in the night, getting up for the loo (5 bloody times last night!!), I'll never know. He reckons he's not aware of it: Lucky Bloody Him!!!!
sharcerv52408 shaznay96184