Pip apeal

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A got told befour a went in only askin questions on grounds of my appealy so a go in and judge started ranting she was a rite bitch a was in tears ad leave she was thteatning me saying rite miss tomlinson do u no unser stand its against lae to make fake claimd and on ground your oaoers no eveidence of ur apral if u gi ahead a will strip all points and rip up paper work rite rar u have no chance if a apral a was so shocked a lookd online apprnd alot felt like committed sucide!!! Still do what point in makeing ppl feel this way if nout rong with me why have a been under mental health tram since 12

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Missunderstood

    Unfortunately there is terrible discrimination against those with mental health conditions and the Tribunal Chairman shouldn't speak that way to you. If she had cause for concern about your appeal then it could have been dealt with in a much more professional way and you should have been signposted to the CAB or Mind Charities for professional help.

    If I were you that's exactly what I would do today. They can access evidence on your behalf and put together an appeal case. I would also ask about assisstance in making a formal compliant about the Chairman's behaviour on the grounds of possible disability discrimination or unprofessional conduct.

    His Honour Judge (John) Aitken 5th Floor, Fox Court, 14 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8HN

    • Posted

      Should have added that any compliant should be sent to the contact details provided.
  • Posted

    Finding this quite difficult to read. Is there someone who can help you with your English and Spelling?


    • Posted

      Hi Sarah

      From what I can fathom missunderstood was making an appeal against a PIP decision. I think it was on the grounds of mental health. She was under the impression that she would be asked questions by the Tribunal about her condition. Instead the Tribunal Chairman ranted at her for not offerring any substancial evidence and threatened to cancel the points she already had.

      This had a terrible affect on Missunderstood and she had to leave the Tribunal in tears. She now feels suicidal and distrot at the whole experience. Frankly if this is what happened then the Tribunal Chairman should be struck off.

  • Posted

    Please keep us updated, I'm also going to a tribunal for PIP, as I have Crohn’s Disease and not worked for 1.5 years. I scored 0 points
  • Posted

    That is absolutely awful and she had no right to treat you like that.  Don't get suicidal - get mad instead and follow the great advice given.   I wonder how many other people she has slaqgged off in the past.  She needs to be stopped.  

    It's not you but her so please don't blame yourself.  I understand how shocked you are especially as you suffer mental health problems as well.  I agree there is a lot of discrimination against us,  but this amounts to abuse and bullying,  neither of which is allowed.   Take care.  Bev xx

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