pip assessment
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like many on this site I was awarded DLA indefinitley and have now had to reapply by din't of my birthday (3 months outside the cut off) Was told it would be a formality - NOT. Now have an assessment in just over a week and am petrified. Have had 3 of these in my own home over the last 15 years (why don't they just look at previous documents). One was so bad I crawled under the duvet and cried for 3 hours. Here is what has happened in the past - assessment - denied - challenged - reinstated after a whole lot of distress and doctors letters. Not sure I have the energy to go through it again - is this what they bank on? Hubby is just about to go through checks for prostate cancer - my energy should be on that. If I lose my mobility life is going to get even more difficult that it already is. Have just had to come off any antiflammatories due to kidney problems (and that is for life) so, dealing with major increased pain and now this.
?Has anyone had a good outcome with a sympathetic assessor?
By the way are these assessors doctors or tick boxers?
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ImustImust cherie99729
Hi Cherie, I was also just outside the time limit having been on DLA for years. I applied for PIP and got zero award. This is standard, everyone (nearly) gets a zero first time around. You then issue a mandatory review request and they again may well award you zero. You can then take it to a tribunial which is a court of law. Judges seem to be a lot more sympathetic than the DWP and you may then get awarded PIP.
No they are NOT doctors, they are indeed box tickers and will sit there tapping away on a computer making things up that you haven't said so make sure you have a mobile phone handy and recording. If you ever have to go down the appeal road you MUST point out that the assessor is not medically qualified to examine you. (I asked my assessor if he was a doctor and he replied 'no' so I pointed that out on the tribunial paperwork.)
Having said all that I got as far as issuing the tribunial paperwork and was then called up for another assessment. I couldn't have asked for anyone nicer and I was awarded PIP.
It is absolutely essential that you get as much paperwork as possible from GP's CPN's and everyone else who you have had contact with.
Sorry if I sound negative but that is how it went for me and I did get an award and my carer got their allowance back too. Don't get depressed at this point but I understand why you are.
nicolette72364 cherie99729
yes I had a sympathetic assessor and she turned out to be on my side , so just to say they are not all bad.
Good luck with it.
Jaygee48 cherie99729
Same here, I was 6 weeks outside of cut off date for DLA to change to Pip. I had my assessment by a Mental Health nurse even though my condition is physical and not mental. I got the same award as before so don't worry, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. My assessor was very sympathetic and his report was total truth as to my interview.
les59996 Jaygee48
I was 12 weeks outside the cut off date.
?I never got any further than go in the transfer from DLA to PIP - I failed at the first hurdle so they also cancelled my HRM & MRC DLA.
?Had two assessors for a home visit for Attendance Allowance - was refused that as not having any care needs. They were awful one questioning me the other walking around the lounge/dining room looking at things.
Jaygee48 les59996
les59996 Jaygee48
Middle Rate Care - MRC