Pip assessment paper based

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i wonder if anybody could advise me on the following

my mom as bi polar had it for years, any long story short it was agreed that my mom had a paper based assessment, received the report this week and to say it had a few inaccuracies is an understatement, it was total lies, the lady advised my mom had only had one hospital admision and shes had over 30 since 5 of which were detained section 2 under mental health act, that my mom can plan a journey, she cannot, that she can read, she cannot , that she is on a low dose of medication she is on 800mg alone of lithium, along with other tablets, etc, she put that she had a telephone conversation with my moms cpn who confirmed the above, anyway mom also has copd and in the report she says my moms cpn said my moms breathing is mangaed, surely this is not a question to ask a cpn as she is not medically trained, so i called my moms cpn and met with her to show her the report and it is total lies as she advised, she never gave them answers and has done a letter confirming my moms condition, hospital admissions etc, i have posted this off and i have called to advise the CM this is why i have sent the evidence as the report is lies

also the report advises my mom should be reviewed in 2 years as because she has specialist input change is always possible 😂😂 my mom has had bi polar since 1993 its not going to disappear absolute joke

do you think the CM will take the letter from my moms cpn into account,

many thanks

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3 Replies

  • Posted


    Despite all the inaccuracies in the report have you added up the recommended points? If you haven't then you should do this because sometimes you can have points recommended, even with the inaccuracies. Use the PIP descriptors online to see what points, if any have been recommended.

    You don't say if a decision's been made or not. If it hasn't then they usually go with the report, it's highly unlikely that the CM/DM will go against that.

    Once the decision is made if you're not happy then you have 1 month from that date to request the MR. Only 18% of MR decisions change so she'll most likely have to take it to Tribunal. Appearing in person at her hearing will give her the best chance of a decision going in her favour. 71% of those that appear win but that drops to between 5-8% for those that request a paper based hearing.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      thank you for your reply

      no decision has been made ,ive just added up points from the descriptors that the assessor has marked on report, i have sent the letter special delivery that confirm how my moms disability effects her and is total opposite to what the assessor has wrote, and i have also started a complaint with the dwp too

    • Posted

      DWP won't be interested in any lies told in the report because they don't write them the health assessment providers do. Any complaints should be sent to the health assessment providers. Details how to do this will be on their website.

      It can take 10 days for DWP to receive letters and for them to be added onto the computer. Sending them recorded delivery doesn't make the process any faster. They are signed for by someone from Royal Mail sorting office.

      If the decision does go with the report and i would expect it to then for the MR request you should concentrate on where she should have scored those points and not any lies. Like wise for the Tribunal.

      Good luck.

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