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i am currently trying to get a paper based assessment for my pip review i first got sent a appointment to attend a centre then after speaking to them another appointment for a home assessment but i am unable to do this i suffer from severe anxiety and depression  the process is causing me conditions to deteriorate even further i am having suicidal thoughts daily as this process is becoming to much for me to cope with i am totally house bound and have been like this for years i explained my conditions in my pip forms and told them how hard i find it to interact with people the only person i see is my brother who who cares for me i didn't even see my family over last Christmas due to the way my condition affects me and i refuse to let them in my flat as my anxiety becomes overwhelming in front of people it has gotten so bad. i did use to see a woman form the mental health team a psychiatrist who use to come and visit me on home appointments but i had to stop these as it was causing me far to much stress building up to these appointments and was making my condition get the better of me the panic attacks where becoming to much i did not have a copy of the report the woman from the mental heath team done me as the original copy was sent with a old claim and that is the only medical evidence i have i have not spoke to doctors even over to phone for about a year as i find it so difficult to open up about my condition. i am 31 year old male and find i so hard to get the help i need. anyway i have got my brother to post a letter for me to the doctors to ask them to explain that a home assessment is going to be to much for me to cope with and to do a paper based assessment the dwp said i need to get my doctor to do this to get a paper based assessment i am so worried and distressed with the process and on the edge of giving up my home assessment is meant to be on Wednesday the 28th march at my home but i have told the independent assessment providers i cant do this. the letter to doctors to get them to write me a letter explaining i need a paper based decision has only been posted out today i was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation and for any advice on what to do?

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mark,

    I'm sorry you have to go through this. I haven't been in this position myself but i have heard of some who are and i can tell you that it's extremely difficult to get a paper based assessment without very good evidence and lots of it. As you've only just posted the letter to your GP and your assessment is soon then it's very risky that it won't arrive in the time for your GP to help you. Is there anyway you can ring your GP or ask your brother to ring on your behalf? Even this way it's risky. I just have my doubts whether they'll accept just a letter from your GP.

    I wanted a paper based assessment for my daughter because she's doesn't deal with strangers or people for that matter. I sent in over 40 pages of evidence that proved all of her conditions BUT she still had to have a home assessment.

    You can of course refuse the home assessment but you do risk your file being returned to DWP and then risk being refused an award.

    I don't know what else to suggest really other than asking your brother to ring on your behalf.

    I wish you good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi Mark I'm not even going to try to give you advice regarding you'r pip as I'm sure I would give you the wrong advice so I will leave that to those on site who have more experience in PIP.

    What I am going to say is better said in a PM so I'm sending you one now with a link to a website I work on, this site will hopefully give you some excellent support.

    • Posted

      Hiya I've just read your reply to mark and I'm in a similar situation ..could you help me as well and direct me to the website your involved with .thanks

    • Posted

      Hi Sean will send it via PM as this site rejects other sites for some reason, it's a completely free site run for help and support only.

    • Posted

      Hi could you please help me ..............hope this message finds you well ....much appreciated MaggsĀ 
  • Posted

    hi denise thankyou for your reply my last assessment was done on a paper based assessment which used the report that i sent in from the mental health team about a year ago i had a home assessment for my esa and was put in the support group but i struggled so much coping with that appointment it caused me so much stress and panic it has now gotten that bad i am unable to interact with anyone at all face to face other than my brother i refuse to even see the rest of my family due to my condition its causes me so much depression the way i am but i cant help it i have had to miss out on many family occasions such as my mothers wedding it causes me so much stress and depression that i am unable to live a normal life i am laid on my settee all day which i also use as a bed my body clock is all over the place i am so distressed at my current situation and getting more suicidal thoughts every day i will take your advice and try and get a telephone appointment with the doctors over the next few days i did ring up yesterday which i found so hard but i was told the doctor who use to deal with me was fully booked then on holiday to middle of April i am going to try again and get a appointment with another doctor the last time i spoke with a doctor over the phone was around a year ago this was to another doctor form the one i previously spoke to i told them i was struggling and asked if there is anything they can do to help he said to increase my meds i would have to see them i told them i cant leave my flat which they should already know then he said he would put me down to see mental health again but i heard nothing since then i have found it so difficult to make contact with them and have not spoke to doctors since yesterday i get my medication delivered each month i am on edge for days before my meds come worrying about having to answer door and sign for meds  i am currently taking pregbalin sertraline and propranolol i spoke with independent assessment service and told them i am unable to do a face to face assessment i was then transferred to dwp who give me a address to send the doctors letter into and said he noted this in the system i am hoping the letter i done quickly so the process is over and done with i currently dont know what to do i will ring the doctors in a few days and try get them to send the letter over to address dwp give me and get help with my meds hopefully i will get a paper based assessment i dont know whether to ring the independent services again as my home appointment is on Wednesday i told them i was unable to do this before they transferred me to the dwp my claim was not due to end until December 2018 doing this process so soon again is causing me a lot of distress my condition has not got any better since my last claim i explained this on my pip forms i will keep u updated how it goes thanks agin for replying to my post.

    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      I'm sorry you're going through all that! Can your GP see you at home? I know they do home visits for those who are unable to go out. It sounds like to me that you do need some help here. I would certainly be asking for a home visit. I know you said that you can't see anyone but maybe your brother can be at home with you when the GP arrives? At least this way you would be getting some further help.

      As for the PIP asessment on Wednesday then i'd certainly ring the again and tell them that there's no way you can do a face 2 face assessment and can they please wait until you can contact your GP for further evidence. I wouldn't wait for a few days to ring your GP, i'd do it now. Wednesday wil be here before you know it.

      I really do hope they agree to the paper based assessment. Unfortunately with PIP they do reviews 1 year before the award is due to end. This is why they've contacted you before your award is due to end.

      Good luck Mark!

    • Posted

      i have just spoke to independent assessment service which was so hard having a panic attack while on phone still shaking now and was told that they can see a email i sent over but it has been forwarded to to dwp straight away and then will be sent back to them it was a email i sent with a copy of report from the mental health team and i explained on email i am unable to do a face to face assessment as well as telling them on phone they told me to ring back at the beginning of next week and see if they can accept this report as medical evidence to do a paper based assessment i asked if the appointment will be cancelled and what will happen he said he had to hold the appointment for the time being and see what the dwp does i cant do this appointment and have told them a lot of times i hope no one turns up at my house as i can see it causing me serious distress and panic i really hope my case can be done on a paper based assessment i have not got round to speaking with gp as yet going to ring them on monday hopefully letter will of arrived by then and can get sent straight across will keep you updated
    • Posted

      Well done for having the courage to ring them! That's a huge step for you. I really do hope they accept your request for a paper based assessment, and i hope a decision goes in your favour! Good luck Mark.

    • Posted

      i am so stressed out i have received a email this morning received before i spoke to them on the phone it says thank you for been in touch about the email i sent them with report and they have forwarded the fme to relevant parties but then it says a hp requested fme from my gp this was reviewed on 21/03 (the day i sent the email was 21st at 18.00) and the hp has said "there is insufficient critical medical evidence available on" your "current level of function and the HP is not able to advise the Department for Work and Pensions robustly on a Paper Based Report and a Muscular Skeletal Examination is required" therefore a face to face assessment is required.i have explained in pip forms it is mental health i suffer with anxiety and depression so why is a muscular examition needed i fell drained of energy a lot and sleep as much as possible which has lately been so difficult with the stresses i am facing i do not have it in me to see someone face to face at the moment and it is going to be such a hard weekend to get through i do not know what to do my head is all over the place any advice

    • Posted

      You really do need to speak to your GP about more evidence. I know they have it wrong by saying that a physical is needed and you're claiming for mental health reasons but speaking to your GP is the only answer here because they seem reluctant to do a paper based decision without more evidence. 

      You say the email was sent before you spoke to them on the phone this morning, is that correct? Maybe ring the assessment providers back too, just to confirm what you were told this morning is correct.

      Ringing your GP today to trying to speak to him/her about this would save you all the stress over the weekend as you're going to be sitting there worrying.


    • Posted

      i also am finding it very strange why they need a physical when it is mental health my claim is for the email was sent to me at 10.30 this morning and i spoke on phone to them at 12.45 i am worried sick about it all and so stressed i cant deal with ringing any1 else 2day i am fed up with it all when i did speak to doctors reception other day about getting a letter explaining i need paper assessment and tried getting telephone appointment with my doctor but i was told she was fully booked then on holiday until middle of april so i did not get one because the last time i spoke with another doctor it was as if he did not care i dont know what to do i appreciate the advice but just do not feel upt o speaking with anyone else today i might try tomorrow will see how i feel hopefully gets sorted out i will keep u updated thanks again for adviceĀ 
    • Posted

      I'm so sorry i don't have any other advice for you. As it's now Friday you won't be able to speak to a GP until Monday at least. The assessment providers maybe open tomorrow until midday but don't quote me on that one.

      I wish i had a simple solution for you but unfortunately i don't. I really do hope you get some help because it seems like you really need. Take care!

    • Posted

      i did not do my assessment it has been causing me so much distress and worry i dont know what will happen now the assessment providers told me they will send my claim back to the dwp now i managed to speak to gp who told me they will do a letter to confirm i was unable to do assessment i was given extra meds to help me cope in the mean time the doctor tried the best to sort this for me they is a letter for me explaining i was unable to do it anyway i did ring the assessment providers and told them i would be willing to do it over the phone due to how hard i find it to see people face to face but they would not do this and said it had to be face to face i dont know what to do now my head is all over the place what do u think will happen nowĀ 
    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      I would advice you to ring DWP and tell them what has happened today. Also tell them that you have a letter from your GP . Does the letter state the reasons why you can't do a face 2 face assessment?

      I'll be honest, usually when someone refuses to an assessment then your file is returned to DWP and it's highly possible that you'll be refused PIP. If this does happen then your money will stop 4 weeks after a decision is made.

      You'll then need to request a Mandatory Reconsideration and the Tribunal if that's not successful.

      Hopefully it won't come to this but as they've refused a paper based assessment then it's very unlikely that a report was done. It will be returned with the reason failed to attend assessment.

      I'm really sorry you're being treated this way by them and i really hope they don't refuse your PIp because of it.

    • Posted

      the letter explains i would be unable to open the door and let anyone in my flat i have found it to hard to even let the family in anymore other than my brother i did not even see them over last Christmas i cant cope with doing a mandatory reconsideration and tribunral i went through this process before and when it got to a tribunral i was unable to attended due to my condition and was refused it caused me so much distress doing this i then made a new claim and the woman from the mental health helped me i then got accepted on a paper based i have looked at the points scoring system for pip and on 9 engaging with people face to face i think i match descriptor d i was awarded this last time but it then got changed as ii see my brother on my review form i told them i had gotten worse with seeing people i had to stop appointments with mental health team as it was causing to much distress i hate the way i am missed many family occasions because of how i am which gets me so upset and distressed the panic attacks i get are horrible struggling to breathe i dont know what to do i spoke with dwp and told them i was unable to do appointment and see if my doctor had been in touch yesterday but they said they have not heard anything the doctor has said they is a letter there anyway i am totally fed up with it all i wish i was normal and could of done appointment i hope i do not lose pip but if i do i give up with it all
    • Posted

      I'm glad your GP is supporting you with that letter because some GPs won't write letters for evidence. I hope your GP had sent it to DWP, if not maybe your brother can go an collect it for you?

      I don't know what else to advice you with Mark other than what i already have. Shame on the HCP for not agreeing to a paper based assessment. If you do get refused then is there anyone that can help you with the MR process and then the Tribunal? You can of course ask for a paper based decision for the Tribunal but the chances of success are less with this.

      Did you send in any other evidence other than from your GP? If not then this could be the reason why they refused the paper based decision again.

      Good luck Mark and i really do hope they don't refuse your PIP award.

    • Posted

      they is a report from the mental health team a psychiatric which was done about 18 month ago but other than that i dont have any medical evidence on that it explains the difficulties i have mixing with others and how isolated i have become and avoid all interaction the thought of interaction makes me feel anxious sick and worried its gotten even worse since then getting panic attacks so worried about seeing people face to face i am going to speak with gp about sending letter over once i hear from dwp i did give gp dwp address and she called the assessment proiverds with number i give her i think she also sent email to address i give her but when i spoke to assessment providers they told me they are unable to have contact through email even though they contacted me back after i sent over report from mental health team on a email if i get refused i dont know what i can do i cant cope with tribunal it caused me so much distress all the paper work last time unable to cope with it all again i dont understand why they cant do a paper based i told them how i am on pip forms so fed up with it all
    • Posted

      I would ask your GP to send the letter to the DWP asap rather than wait until you hear from them. If you wait till you hear from them then a decision may have already been made by then.
    • Posted

      the last time when i spoke to the assessment providers yesterday when i told them i was unable to do assessment and was willing to do a telephone appointment i was told that this was not possible and i need to get gp to sent letter to there address my gp called me back later that day and i give her the address they give me i did give her the dwp address when i first spoke to gp the other day so hopefully it will all get sorted and the decision maker can make a decision without me doing the assessment in the meantime i wil have to do my best to cope i have a bad headache off dealing with all this and struggle to make contact over the phone at times will try ring gp again tomorrow thanks for advice
    • Posted

      For the decision maker to make a decision an assessment report has to be written. As they refused to do a telephone assessment and a paper based assessment then i'm unsure how a report will be written.

    • Posted

      going to try and see woman i use to see from mental health team been over doing it on the meds since last spoke been upset that i never went through with the face to face assessment i hope i report can somehow still be written need to speak with doctors about letter see if it was sent to dwp explaining why i never went through with face to face so fed up with it all
    • Posted

      spoke with dwp today and was told my claim is with a decision maker and is been looked at to see if it can be done on a paper based they said they have not had anything from my doctor since middle of feb (i had lost contact with doctors for a year) they mentioned a report they have from the mental health team but was a poor quality he said it was dated 2016 this was sent last week but did not have original it was emailed from a copy off a phone i have tried ringing the doctors 3 times today but they have been busy each time i had a lot more meds than normal over the weekend and eat less than ever i want to now what happens now and need this process over and done withĀ sad
    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      I really do hope that they will make a decision with a paper based assessment but for them to be able to that then the assessment providers will need to write the assessment report. DWP don't do that they only make a decision based on the report.

      When you do speak to your GP please mention that you're taking more medication than what's prescribed for you because that's not a good thing.

      Unfortunately Mark i really don't know what else to advice. Please do come back and let me know what the decision was. The assessment providers really are being extremely unreasonable here!!

    • Posted

      got a telephone appointment with doctors today going speak about medication i was told last week and this week it is with the decision maker by the dwp still getting paid at the moment been worrying more than ever hope i get decision soon stressing and getting upset a lot about not been up to doing the face to face assessment body clock is worse than ever ive been going to sleep about this time last few days but waiting on call from doctors i got a letter off doctors posted to me last week explaining i will not be able to do the assessment and recommending paper based they said decisions can take 6-8 weeks but to ring back again next week if i want which im going to do thankyou for advice while going through the process will keep you updatedĀ 
    • Posted

      I hope you also explain to your GP how you are cutting yourself of from life in general as well, I asked this before and you didn't answer, are you possibly ashamed of the state of your abode, I have come across this recently and it does impact on your abilities to open your front door

    • Posted

      the doctors are going to call me back in 2 weeks for a update was a different doctor i spoke with again they know i do not leave my home sorry if i did not answer this previously had to search what abode was my life resolves in my front room use a 2 seat settee as bed i hate been judged and am ashamed of how i am and the way i live i had a knock on the door earlier and started panicking and on edge i think it was my housing to make a repair as when i spied out of the curtains seen a work van drive off and had a missed call off them yesterday a number which was meant to fix window from a long time ago
    • Posted

      I think that maybe the way you live is having an impact on your anxiety, it's quite common for this to happen and I would say that asking for help to sort this could maybe help get you back on track, their are volunteers who have been in the same situation who now give back to the community by helping others struggling to get back on track, they do not judge I promise, they just want you to have a life

    • Posted

      who would you ask for help from to help me get back on track i have got back in touch with doctors after a year of no contact and been getting extra meds to help i do not know who to turn to i am willing to speak with someone over the phone and try get some help i want to have a life again but do not know where to start sorry for taking long to get back in touchĀ 
    • Posted

      That's great news Mark thats made my day 😁 I'm off to see my consultant at moment so haven't got time to answer you but will get back to you later

    • Posted

      Hi Mark their are helplines you can ring that can offer online counseling or you can ask your doctor to refer you, I think that is the best route for you to take and for a first step the most helpful, but while waiting you could contact Mind,

      This is the link to their website.

      I hope it will help.

      There's numbers you can ring as well.


      If I can find another helpline I will post it.

      Did you try nomorepanic

    • Posted

      i took the first step and made contact with mind which my doctor advised also after speaking with mind i was referred to the mental health team again i have got a home visit tomorrow and have been getting so anxious about it i am glad it will be the same woman i seen a few years ago but still really worrying about seeing someone in reguards to my claim after getting my doctor to make a letter explaining that i was unable to do the face to face assessment i was told my claim was with a decision maker for about 6-8 weeks then once i spoke to them again after this time was told i need to go through with theĀ process to keep award but i explained how upset been unable to do the assesment got me i have been really down with been unable to go through with the process been given extra meds they told me a letter would be sent out then last week i got a call from the dwp them asking me a few questions about my claim as my doctor had asked for a paper based assessmentĀ to be made i am not sure what is going on with it again now i am going to see the mental health team tomorrowĀ i hope i can get some sleep before i see them thank youĀ and denise for the advice which helped me to make contact with doctors again i will keep you updated how my appointmentĀ goes tomorrowĀ and with my claim.
    • Posted

      Hi Mark,

      I'm so happy to hear you're getting some help, that's fantastic. This is the first step to at least having some life back. It takes a lot to make that first step so well done for doing that! I really hope they help you as much as possible!

      It could mean that they finally decided to do a paper based assessment after all for the PIP, which would have been the reason for the phone call. Fingers crossed that you have to right decision very soon and it will be in your favour. Let us know what that decision is and if you need any more help then please just ask. Take Care!

    • Posted

      That's great news Mark, I'm really proud of you, it's a bit one step forward and two back but you are going in the right direction, don't worry about meeting people, remember that they are people who know and understand mental health issues not just some person off the street, have you joined no more panic, another excellent site full of like minded people with years of experience.

      Let us know how you get on, I'm sure you will be fine

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