PIP ends 25 January 2019. Renewal procedure

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Im on enhanced rates for both components and I had previously been on standard rate for both till I reported a chance in circumstances due to worsening of my condition and this was declined until tribunal and I won my case 05/03/2018

The change in circs was reported in January 2017 and I had an assessment in June 2017. It doesnt make sense to have to make a new claim barely 18 months later. Be that as it may, I just called and went through the process for a new claim and would like to know what happens next. Do I go through exactly the same process as first time I applied or its different when you renew

Thanks in advance

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  • Posted


    As your award has an end date then it's a new claim not a renewal. If it was a renewal then DWP would send you the forms 1 year before your award is due to end.

    The forms you'll be sent will be the PIP2 forms you filled out the very first time you claimed. You'll need to put as much information as possible about how your conditions affect you. Send all your evidence with the forms because they rarely contact anyone for this. Expect another face to face assessment as most people have them. It's very rare to have a paper based assessment.

    If a decision hasn't been made by you award end date then your payments will stop on that date. If a decision then goes in your favour then your money will be backdated to the date they stopped.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      thanks Denise

      Any idea why im being made to file a new claim not just a renewal.?

      Now im very worried. Given I now have to make a new claim you would think they give me more time

    • Posted

      No problem. Tribunal awards are never reviewed 1 year before the claim ends. DWP always contact you 3 months before the end of the award.

      I wouldn't worry too much to be honest. With review forms, you should always fill them out with as much information as possible just like you should do with the PIP2 forms. The review forms aren't like they were 2 years ago, with the tick box option. They've changed because i've just received my daughters review form and it looks completely different to my last review form for PIP.

      With a review, if a decision doesn't go in your favour then your PIP stops 4 weeks after the decision is made, regardless of the award length of time. If the decision is made several months before the end date then you lose all of that money.

      With being contacted 3 months before then there's a chance a decision may not be made by the time your award is due to end, so there's almost no loss of money there and if there is then it will most likely only be a few weeks money, if that.

      If i had a choice, review or new claim 3 months before then i'd take the 3 months before option without any doubts at all.

      The sooner you ring the sooner you have those forms. Good luck.

    • Posted

      I wonder how they decide who gets a review and who should make a new application

    • Posted

      Those that are awarded at Tribunal are not reviewed 1 year before the award ends.

    • Posted

      hi Denise and everyone

      last time i was awarded standard rate mobility which was upgraded to enhanced at tribunal. this time round I'm anxious to do a better job of filling in that section of the form.

      Is there an online resource i can use for inspiration. please feel free to message me with advice


    • Posted


      CAB have an online guide to help fill out the PIP form. Other than that, for the mobility part it depends whether you claim for a physical disability or for following and planning a journey. Unfortunately, links can't be posed here but easily searched by using google.

      It's very difficult to advise anyone how to fill out a PIP form because the only person that knows how your conditions affect you, is yourself. When filling out the forms you should give as much information as possible, and give at least 2 examples of the difficulties you had the last time you did or tried to do that activity.

      Don't forget the support evidence to send with the form. Good luck.

    • Posted

      thanks as always

      I'm just anxious because maybe the way i wrote it last time didnt fully capture my condition for the decision maker yet tribunal awarded enhanced rate

    • Posted

      No problem. Everyone gets anxious during times like this, myself included.

      The decision maker relies heavily on the assessment report, so when filling in the form, it's the HCP that assesses your claim that you're mostly writing this for. I'm not saying the DM doesn't look at the form but if they didn't rely on the report there would be no point in the assessment providers being there.

      You talk about the mobility part. What about the daily living part, there's 10 descriptors. No award is safe during a review, so make sure you put down everything about your condition and how it affects you.

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