Pip face to face home assessment

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Hi, everyone.

We received an appointment letter for PIP home assessment.

We have never had a home assessment before and we are very nervous as we read a lot of awful experiences.

Especially we concern about our housing situation.

He had a small business long time ago before he became unwell.

He hoped he will get better one day and set up a work space in the house.

Unfortunately his health got worse after cancer operation/treatment and he is not able to work.

He hasn't got energy to sort the work space out and it is not easy for me to go thorough all by myself.

So the work space has been in the house untouched.

We are worried if the assessor will think he is well enough to do some work when they see the work space.

We are hoping to have an opportunity to explain the situation at the assessment.

I am aware this is a quite unique situation but if any advice will be appreciated.

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3 Replies

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    PIP isn't about your ability to work or not to work, it's about how your conditions affect your ability to carry out daily activity based on the PIP descriptors. Lots of people successfully claim PIP and work.

    Besides, if the "office" or equipment is in another room then it won't be seen. The HCP will not want to look around your home during the assessment. They are there to ask questions about your condition and how it affects you. They will ask questions based on what was written in the form, which you'll need to confirm and questions related to the PIP descriptors.

    When reading stories on the internet, you'll mostly only ever hear the bad ones. If someone's had a decision they're happy with we don't hear the story because they have no questions to ask.

    Once he's had the assessment, if you live in the UK wait a week and ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report. Once you receive this you'll be able to compare the dots against the PIP descriptors to see what score has been recommended, if any. As it's a recommendation then they won't add the points up in the report. It's rare for the decision maker to go against the report so you'll have a very good idea on the decision.

    Good luck and hopefully everything will be just fine.

    • Posted

      Hi, denise15811.

      Thank you for the advice.

      Unfortunately our living space is located after the work space, so the assessor has to walk through the workspace to the room we want to have the assessment.

      I said "work space" but actually it's more like "workshop " with a lot of tools as my husband was a craftsman.

      As you say, I've been reading awful stories on web sites and maybe got paranoid.

      If they ask about the workshop, I will explain the situation.

      Thank you, you made me feel more relaxed.

    • Posted

      I would be completely honest with them and explain about the work space even if they do not ask you about it. That way you have covered yourself.

      Good luck.

      Let me know how you get on.


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