pip question ( m.r stage)

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Some of you will remember me but I will give an outline of what's happened.

I've never claimed DLA

I claimed pip and got awared full mobilty and standard care for 3 years.

I had to 're apply in July 2016. In December 2016 I got my standard care awarded again but lost all mobility.

I have sent my M.R in. It's been 7 weeks since Ive heard anything. So my M.P has rung DWP for me. They advised her that they have spoken with ATOS again and have now sent me a letter asking for further evidence. I've sent everything from gp letters to consultants to results.

What could it be that they are asking. Had anyone had this before at this stage?


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Clare, yes i do remember you. Was thinking about you the other day and wondering how things were going. They more than likely just need to extra evidence related to something specific. Nothing suprises me these days. In my opinion i think this can only be seen a s good thing. Good luck and please let us know the outcome!
    • Posted

      Hi Denise.

      The letter arrived. It was one question.

      When did my activities become harder?

      I have a company helping me so they filled it in.

      Unfortunately I don't have a date as it's not something that just happened. As months to by things just get worse and harder to do so we just explained that.

      They really can't have any more information from me now. All of my doctors, and consultants have sent so much in. I gues its just sit and wait again now. I am into my 7 month now. I will keep you updated. Although I don't get emails any more to say someone has commented. I'm not sure why x

    • Posted

      Hi Clare, they could have saved paper and time if they had just rang you to answer that question. The DM had one question to ask me during my review for PIP it was pretty much the same thing as you. The question for me was when did my mobility get worse. I did actually state when on the review form i filled out. Maybe he was just trying to catch me out. I answer the same as on the form. It was 8 months prior to the review. Glad the DM made that call to save time. He just thanked me and said a decision would be made by the end of that day. It was, thankfully.

      I really do hope you get the decision you want. Everything crossed here for you. Please do let us know the outcome and hopefully you won't have to wait much longer. I know how stressfull these situations are.

      If you go to your setting on here (account) you can either tick or untick the boxes to recieve notifications to your emails. xx

    • Posted

      Thank you. I have tried that but I will go untick it and then 're tick to see if it works again.

      It would have saved so much time if they rung me. The man that is helping me has never come across this before where they just post out 1 question. He thinks they are being really awkward with me. I am expecting that I will have to go to a tribuneral. I've had no faith ever since my assessment really. I got the date to hand my car back but I bought it as I find this car has been the best I've had in terms of managing to still drive. I got my funds all in place prior to the decision as I knew what was coming. I will definitley let you know how I get on. It's 8 weeks now since I put my M.R in so I hope it won't be much longer 😊

    • Posted

      I agree with the person that's helping you, i've never heard of them posting out one question to a clamaint before. Most Mr decisions remain the same but you probably already know that. I've only read one story recently where someone's MR decision changed in their favour. This person was on high mobility DLA and they lost their car when changing over to PIP. They asked for the MR and they got Enhanced mobility, so i can't happen. I know you didn't change from DLA, if i remember rightly?  Just be prepared to take it to tribunal but what ever you do don't give up. That's what they want you to do. Good luck xx

    • Posted

      Thank you . That's right. I've only ever had pip. I hope it does change but I'm not holding my breath . I'm not sure if I can't take much more though so may end up giving up after this. It's been a long 7 months x

    • Posted

      I know the stress is dreadful, but don't give up Clare, fight the good fight. x

    • Posted

      Thank you. It is very stressful. I've have a good company helping but it still seems endless x

    • Posted

      I have tried going to tick and I tick again. I've tried logging out. I'm still getting no emails through. I used to buy then they just stopped x

  • Posted

    I can finally say after almost 8 months I have a conclusion. ( just for anyone that wanted to know the outcome)

    I won't go over my situation as I wrote it all in this discussion.

    After having full mobility and standard care. They dropped me to just standard care with no mobility.

    My MR has finally come back after 10 weeks!

    They have awarded me enhanced care with standard mobility. I have decided not to go any further with this as I don't have any more energy and it's a bitter sweet award.

    I have been awarded this for 4 years all be it they have started it from last year when I started to Dr apply. So hopefully I have almost 3 year without the hassle and stress

    • Posted

      Well done Clare, I'm sorry you didn't get the full enhanced that you had, but at least you got them to look at it again.  Hopefully the next three years will be a bit less stressful for you. x


    • Posted

      Well done Clare, it may not be exactly what you wanted but it better than what you were originally had and changed at MR stage too. Relax now for a while at least x
    • Posted

      Thank you. It wasn't what I had but then again they increased my care so it's bitter sweet. That's me done now for a while. I can't battle on for another 8 months . I just hope things change in the government by the time I have my next one x

    • Posted

      Thanks Denise. The main thing was I bought my car what I feel is easier for me to drive and now this can help me pay for it. So I'm theory I am the same as I was but the other way around if you get me. I need a couple of year after all that. Too stressful to even begin to explain. Everything that happened wasn't what usually happens. But that's my luck lol.

      Thank you for your help and advise. I hope the man that helped me locally still has funding next time around and we have a different government in x

    • Posted

      Yes i remember your story. One other thing did they back date your money from the time you were awarded?

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