PIP reconsideration

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I had another assessment for pip March 2017 and I received my highest rate care allowance but was refused the mobility part of the award. I applied for this this time because due to my pain and anxiety and agoraphobia I can't leave the house unaccompanied and I can't physically walk 200m. Apparently there was a change in the law and I should now qualify for it so I asked for a reconsideration and was told I had till March the 3rd to hand over my evidence. Except in the middle of February they sent me a letter saying I still don't qualify. I phoned and said I'm not surprised as you've made the decision before my deadline for evidence has even passed so I sent in my evidence again for them to look at. I was told 4 weeks then 6 then was told last week I'd absolutely know. I still don't. Stress makes my conditions worse. I'm making myself really poorly. I did include a lot of evidence :

- letter from parent who was main carer who detailed how I nearly died but wouldn't even get in the ambulance because I wouldn't go out with people I didn't know so she had to drive me and have an ambulance escort

- letter from partner stating on how when I went to pip assessment had to illegally park as I wouldn't walk from car park to atos centre and had to be picked up from here, was also present for assessment and pip assessor told me she had advised I needed a home visit so not sure why I came in and just said my claim would continue as I was obviously very agitated

- letter from reablement team stating they working with me as I cannot leave the house alone

-letter from social services stating that I have accessed their services from reablement as I need help as I can't be alone in the community due to doubling over in pain randomly which affects my mental health and increases my anxiety episodes which I use my ipod in the home to cope with and that I have identified I need support to basically be normal again and that I need routine

- a letter from art therapy that reablement took me to stating that I'd never come in alone and could not be left alone

- a letter from a therapist detailing how I've had the issues and been getting therapy for 5 years

Do I stand in good order to recieve it with these letters?? Has anyone got it for anxiety and physical illness? My legs work, but I can't stand up straight due to pain In my stomach. Just worried. Thanks

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I was refused mobility also have some of the same conditions as yourself I also have copd of the lungs...had con therapy from 1999...sent plenty of evidence in....I'm not going to push the mobility incase I loss my carers. ....had high rate mobility on dla.....but pip and dla are different. ..hope this helps x

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      What conditions? And when was it refused?

      I got told not to worry about my daily living that would be fine, but I'd have thought with my social services involvement and working with reablement ect I might be ok..

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      You really can't compare 2 people when it comes to a PIP award. You won't get 2 people the same because all conditions affect someone differently. My daughter has mental health issues, a learning disability and social anxiety disorder. She claims Enhanced for both parts, so it is possible BUT not easy and like i said not everyone with mental health will qualify for the Enhanced mobility.

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    Oh and another thing Denise will keep you right when she comes on....she gave me good information for pip and esa x
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      Ohh hopefully she replies, I'm just stressing myself. sad

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    You say you were going for Enhanced mobility because you don't go anywhere alone and that you can't walk more than 200m. PIP Enhanced mobility moving around part is no more than 20 metres regularly, reliably. Saying that you can't walk more than 200m will not get you the Enhanced mobility. In fact it won't score you any points at all in the moving around part.

    When you asked for the MR the DWP will very often not wait for a claimant to send in their evidence. They will just continue with the MR regardless. What you should have done is send the MR request by letter with all of your evidence to arrive with DWP no later than 28 days after the decision was made. Have they said they're looking at the decision again even though the MR decision was already made? Have they actually agreed to this and did you have it in writing? I'm a little confused about that part.

    No one here can tell you whether your MR or any award will be successful because everyone is different. Yes people do claim Enhanced mobility for mental health but it's very hard. Another thing is that when the Upper Tribunal ruled that those with mental health can now claim mobility part the DWP haven't yet changed those descriptors to remove the psychological distress part of following and planning a journey. This means that if the reasons you can't go out alone are because of psychological distress then your chances of the Enhanced mobility are slim.

    Did you go to the assessment alone? What i mean by this is did you go into the assessment room alone? or did someone go with you?

    Even though you had all of that evidence does any of it specifically state your mental health issues about not being able to go out alone? and what happens if you did.

    Lastly, if they have agreed to look at the decision again after the first MR decison then there's no timescales to this. The DWP can take as long as they want to, unfortunately.

    Only 20% of MR decisions change and they look at the whole award again, so you do risk losing everything you already have.

    The likely hood of you having to take it to Tribunal is extremely high. If you do take it to Tribunal then the best chance of success is to appear in person. 70% of those that do have a decision in their favour. Tribunal hearing times can take as long as 1 year. The back log in all areas right now is huge, so don't expect it to take just a few months. If Tribunal is needed then i'd advice you to get help with this process from either your local CAB or any other disability advice centre. Good luck.


    • Posted

      Hi it was a very basic outline let me give you it all.

      I can't walk 20m due to pains by medical and mental health.

      I just thought 200m was the smallest amount. !

      I have adhesions, intestinal problems an auto immune disease and mental health issues, I receive social services help and a carer due to the fact I can't leave the house nor walk unaided.

      Because I thought I'd already asked for a reconsideration but I hadn't they accepted they would look at it after the deadline.

      I am just applying for mobility not necessarily enhanced, and I had someone come in to the assessment with me they had to like park illegally at the door take me in sit me with the receptionist then go and park properly same with me going back into the car.

      My social services report states that I cannot go out alone as I freeze in pain and other things happen that I do not want to state on this site, but another is that I would have a total mental breakdown I haven't left the house in 5 years except for hospital appointments. Like my mental health I take lorzepam and was on the verge of being sectioned as my anxiety is so bad I can't let people in my house or anything, my assessment was ten minutes away and it took over an hour to get there and I phoned 3 times and when I got there they said in my state they wouldn't be able to assess me and they were not sure why I was made to come in as they said I needed a home visit so that wound me up even more thinking I'd lose my pip and she said I wouldn't and that was basically it for my face to face.

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    I don't need a walking stick to walk but due to pain I can't stand up straight, and I always need someone with me incase of fit ect so theres no chance I'll be able to go to say even when I'm mentally well, I'd just be able to pop to the shop.

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    I personally think that people are misunderstanding the media referrals to mental health issues as being a platform for recieving PIP, it's incredibly difficult to claim mobility on just MH as most people with MH are physically quite capable of walking over 20 metres, I myself have had MH issues since I was 13 and claimed DLA for many years after 40, not I might add was any of it awarded because of MH but all due to my RA, I also now claim full on both parts of PIP again the MH components are not taken into consideration, I have a friend who has Bipolar with GAD which she has had since her early teens and has attempted to claim it twice without success even after masses of supporting medical evidence from psychiatric hospital where she spent quite a lot of time sectioned and from her doctors, OT etc that's not to say your claim want be successful just that PIP is all down to the descriptors, all you can do is send in your information and wait.

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      I feel I am not being understood xD

      I am severely disabled.

      I also have mental health issues.

      I cannot walk without hanging off someone due to pain. The pain gives me anxiety as I feel like a total embarrassment. I DO NOT JUST HAVE MH PROBLEMS xD I am not trying to claim all of it for anxiety, I have many many other things that are to embarrassing to put on here to be honest. I'm glad yours is sorted though that's good,

      I'm having a meltdown now incase I lose my pip and I'm just proper panicked.

      I have been classed as severely disabled since the nhs bungled my operation 5 years ago and gave me a disease that like one percent of people have so they can't cure it. That with the diarrhea I've had for 5 years gave me anxiety, anxiety about being away from a loo anxiety around people, the pain makes it hard to walk but with my panics and other health issues it's even harder, but when my anxiety (hopefully) is better, I still am NOT allowed to walk or do whatever by my self. I have had fits, I have a histamine issue, I have a lot of issues and will need help for life, this was even before the mental health stuff but social services told me to apply for this and add in as now I have the mental health issues so that would constitute a difference therefore I can ask for a delayed reconsideration. They have all the proof of my illnesses ect I just thought with the fact I can't do anything alone due to both reasons I wondered if I'd sent in enough proof of the mental health aspect. To be fair my first pip interview I went with my cpn nurse who handed over my support plan and in his report he said I had no cpn nurse.!!

      I'm glad your money is sorted and I do hope you are okay, smile

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      In your first post you stated mostly about your mental health and very little about your ability to walk because you stated you could walk 200 metres. Standard mobility is 20-50 metres and Enhanced no more than 20 metres. If you put 200metre on the form then you're going to have problems convincing them anything different.

      The PIP descriptors have to specifically apply to a person to be awarded the points, with evidence relating exactly to those descriptors. To try to score points in both following and planning a journey and the moving around part will also be difficult.

      Who told you to go off your bad days? For PIP it's not about your worst day. That's not what you need to focus on. PIP is about how you're affected 50% of the time not your worst time. I fully understand your posts but you must also remember that PIP is about how those conditions affect you daily and not about a diagnosis. A person can have a diagnosis of 20+ things but for PIP it will make no difference what so ever.

      As i said before most MR decisions remain the same so you will most likely need to take it the next step...Tribunal. No one can tell you what the decision will be or whether your evidence will be enough.

      I know it's stressful, everyone feels exactly the same and you're not alone when feeling this way waiting for a decision.

      You need to ring DWP tomorrow and ask if they are definitely looking at your PIP award again because if they're not then you've missed your Tribunal deadline. With good reason and you probably have good reason they could accept your late appeal request because you do have 13 month with good reasons for being late.

      There's only so much we can advice on a forum because we don't know you as a person. For the Tribunal i strongly advice you to get some help.

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    They told me to go off a bad day with the movement ect and on a bad day I can't get out of bed and need assistance to get to a toilet ect , I didn't send in my social services support plan due to social worker only working 2 days a week and she never had it on time but now I'm worried sick I'll lose all of it which means I can't afford my medication and I'd pretty much just die

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      ABI why can't you afford your medication, I receive all mine free?? If your on a low income you don't have to pay for it, did you not know that

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      What other benefits do you claim? Do you have a partner that works? claiming PIP doesn't entitle someone to free NHS prescriptions. Do you claim a means tested benefit like ESA? There must be a reason why you have to pay for your prescriptions. I don't pay for any of mine either.

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