Pip tribunal won 6weeks ago do I get monthly payment while DWP sort back dated pay?

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Should I have received a monthly payment ?

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32 Replies

  • Posted

    It depends on how busy they are. The back pay could well hit your bank before you start to get the monthly payment - no one can really answer that question.
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      Thank you for replying les59996 its do frustrating the DWP take there time while I'm still unable to do anything
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      The bottom line is that there is far too much work for them to do and too few people to do it.

      As an aside, I remember in 2007/8 being told that all senior investgators should double their monthly intake of cases and double their closure rate. It was difficult but not impossible to work on the basis of 12 new cases a month and close 12. Doubling the number meant working overtime for which the Civil Service did not pay.On average I worked an extra 12 hours a month for no pay. The only way it would have worked was to do only half a job! Another of the reasons why I retired.

      Targets had to be maintained no matter how. 

    • Posted

      18 months without payments , using food banks , DWP are quick enough to refuse claims or take benefits off you can't say I have empathy for DWP . just my opinion and experience with DWP but thank you for comment's
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      I hope that you don't maind me asking but how on earth did you manage to get into a situation where the DWP refused to pay you anything for 18 months?

      I can only think of two reasos off hand. One that you were seriously sanctioned for not foolowing the rules or you failed to attend an assessment with ATOS.

      Either way I presume that you thought about claiming JSA in the meantime, appealed against the sanction or applied for hardship payments?

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    It's now 8 weeks since my tribunal win, so I phoned them and politely asked what happens next since I have had no word from them to either aknowledge the new rate or otherwise

    They told me it is taking between 6 - 8 weeks to adjust payments but I was worried that they might be challenging the award, you get sort of paranoid after all the messing around. They said it din't look like they were challenging the award so I should just wait until they manage to sort it out. I can't say they were unhelpful or rude so I thanked them for their time

    I will see if I get the new award this coming wednesday but I have heard some people say it's taking much longer than what I was told. I'll just be glad to be back on what was taken from me at assessment. Of course back pay would be nice but I'm just relieved that the whole thing is over (Hopefully!)

    • Posted

      Hello sweetyb1

      I am in the same situation only it's just 3!weeks since my tribunal win, can you tell me how long it took them to eventually pay up and did you get backpay and benefits in what timeframe ?

    • Posted

      Hi massimilli

      I think we are in the same position 

      I won my tribunal in may this year 2016 back dated to jan 2014 unfortunatly the backdate was incorrect according to the dwp  and should of been march 2014 not jan so dwp returned paper work tribunal amended and sent to dwp on the 06th june

      was advised mid june had been passed to payments about 7 dys after received  paperwork from tribunal . was told by appeal assesor who passed to payments section payments are taking about 10 -15 days at present.

      received call 22nd june asking  if had been in prison or hospital.

      called dwp on 24th asking for update as call on 22nd was hopefully due to calculation being done was told that will be paid first monthly payment at the end of july but no back date figure showing but may need supervisor sign off due to amount of time and amount of money.

      called dwp on 27th of this month june 2016 they now can confirm nothing about payments as its confidential.

      advisor said payments section would call me back in24 hours its now 48 hours and i never leave the house as cannot and no call.

      Would love to here others storys about how long payment takes all my research on internet has storys like mine and then no end date saying i got payment.

      massimlli will let you know iff i get anything ever or not if you couldreturn the favour



    • Posted

      advisor said payments section would call me back in24 hours its now 48 hours and i never leave the house as cannot and no call.

      That comment takes me back in time to Sept 2009 when I claimed Guaranteed Pension Credit. From memory between then and when they closed the claim down in February 2011 because they accused me of failing to comply within 30 days to a formal request I must have sent them at least 45 letters, made dozens of telephone call and was told at least 20 times that I would get a call back.

      I received one written reply!!! No telephone calls were ever returned and I never received a penny in benefits!!!

    • Posted

      so if this helps any body

      I finally received payment today o1st july backdated to claim dated with monthly payments commencing on 21st july 

      tribunal was 09th may , paper work returned by dwp to tribunal due to tribunal error

      correct paperwork sent out 06th june to dwp

      payment for back date received 01st july 

      did phoning the various parties twice a week to ask for update help speed things up maybe .

      I would say after a tribunal if there are no orrors it takes 21-28 days to get a back dated payment from my experience and if there are arrors , my experrience would show it can take 2 months to recieve any payment.

      hope this helps anybody going through a tribunal for PIP at the moment.

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    Hi I have just won my PIP Tribunal now I have received a letter from dwp to say they are applying for statement of reasons from tribunal and could appeal against the decision made this is so stressful anyone else had this happen?
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      Par for the course i'm afraid. 

      Surprises me that the courts allow the DWP to get away with this given that they never attend Tribunals. If they don't like the result then they had the chance to put their case to the court - just like the claimant does.

      The dwp will always argue that they were always right. They blame the claimant for handing new evidence to the court and not themselves at the time.

      Maybe after getting a refusal, the claimant finds out that the assessor/DWP never contacted any of the health professionals that were shown on the PIP2 form. They have a 30 day limit in asking for a MR whilst waiting for evidence that the assessor/DWP should have obtained in the first place.

      Consequently this evidence generally arrives after the MR has been carried out so the only alternative is to hand it to the Tribunal.

      Moral of the story is that to ensure that you get the right decision first time the assessor/DWP  should do what the regulations say and not cut corners to save time and money. In the long run an appeal costs more and is more time consuming but who really expects the DWP to work that one out?

    • Posted

      Yes it says on the letter the 30 days for them to appeal to the upper tribunal starts from the time they receive the statement of reasons, honestly this is really disgusting as I had a mental health doctor and a disbility person and a judge and my daughter who looks after me on a day to day basis (she is a trained mental health nurse) it was a unanimous decision that I should get awarded the payment. My original assessment was taken by a paramedic from Atos. I was in the tribunal for about an hour and was fired loads of questions however the atos assessment lasted about 15 or 20 minutes. This process is stressing me out further that I have had to visit my doctor as I am having further problem because of this process.

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