Piriformis pain

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Has anyone had problems on the hip /buttock / piriformis and if so what helped sometimes I can barely walk or stand ,

Does a belt or taping give short term relief if so what sort of belt or what sort of taping worled

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    The piriformis muscle is deep inside your butt cheek. And it's often times men who get it because they sit on their wallets that are in their back pocket a lot. However women can get it too. I am a woman experienced this 13 years ago. I went to a pain management doctor who gave me a trigger point injection into my piriformis muscle and that permanently resolved that problem. But then my pain started in my lower back and that's where I am today at the age of 56.

    What I have found works is a combination of treatments. Stretches are absolutely going to have to happen. It's better to see a physical therapist for that but if you can't afford to then at least Google some exercises for the lower back. And be careful. I have also had marginal relief from epidural steroid injection into my lower back. Your problem might be your SI joint rather than your hip but a pain management doctor can figure that out just by examining you. When they give you a epidural steroid injection may use something called a fluoroscope which is a live x-ray when they use that to guide the needle into the proper area.

    So get physical therapy, see a pain management specialist about injections and you should use either heat or ice on the area several times a day. It doesn't matter which one you use its just whichever one works for you. And one final note you might want to invest in a TENS unit. Amazon sells them typically under $50. And then Google placement for the pads so you make sure to get them in the right place for your pain. A TENS unit works very well to control pain while it's on. Unfortunately the pain typically returns when you take off the TENS unit.

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    Yes, I see my chiropractor and he uses this vibrating massage machine( that's the only way to describe it) it hurts but it's instant relief, at home I use an omni ball (amazon) and massage it from the middle of my glutes out towards the hip it works amazing, you could also try acupuncture, hole this helps😊

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      Oh Ye I forgot I also have injections in the SI joint (amkffee👍wink but they only last about 8-10 weeks but what a difference they make😊

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    my pain started in my hip, thought it was a hip issue, I sometimes use the icy hot relief pads that stick on my back.  they seem to help short term, I also get injections in my lower back every 4 months.
  • Posted

    Further to my earlier posts, the back / buttock pain is making me bend forward when I am walking I cannot straighten up

    Any ideas what I can do, I may have to ask my physio to tape me up so I can be in the upright position

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