Piturity tumor
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi my auntie had a piturity tumor , I’m peri and all the peri symptoms relate to piturity tumor ... really worried now 🙁
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi my auntie had a piturity tumor , I’m peri and all the peri symptoms relate to piturity tumor ... really worried now 🙁
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kate_80669 jan66332
jan66332 kate_80669
Hi weight gain headaches dizziness mood swings periods come and go anxiety body aches 😩
kate_80669 jan66332
jan66332 kate_80669
Eliaimee1970 jan66332
jan66332 Eliaimee1970
anxiousface Eliaimee1970
I’ve had a pituarty tumour since 2005 which causes me to have a high prolactin level I have been on medication since.
Your right some of the symptoms are the same as peri menopause and when I started peri in 2011 I didn’t know what had hit me as I had it twice as bad but not everyone is the same.
Please dont worry yourself silly cos you’ll get all stressed and feel worse,
sending you a comforting hug x
Eliaimee1970 anxiousface
Bellaboo1 jan66332
I’ve got a pituitary tumour, (prolactinoma) I’ve had it for 25 years. It messed my periods up along with my mood, depression mainly. I am now in peri and still taking meds for tumour as the excess prolactin the tumour produces suppresses oestrogen as well as peri doing its thing so it’s like a double whammy. The tumour itself is nothing to worry about unless it’s bigger than 1 cm as it can press on optic nerves. It will never turn cancerous. Don’t stress over it, there’s loads of reasons other than it being a tumour and there’s no evidence of it being hereditary.
jan66332 Bellaboo1
Hi bellaboo sorry to hear you have a piturity tumor .... you have put my mind at ease thankyou so much but I will go and get my eyes checked as I keep getting migraines which I see zigzags, which consequently made me think about my aunts piturity tumor, 💕
anxiousface Bellaboo1
i too have a pituitary tumour (hyperprolactinoma) and the experience of per starting in 2011 was an enormous shock to the system, I had 2 1/2 years of constant headaches feeling I could pass out and anxiety which i’d never experienced before among many other symptoms. How have you gone on with your symptoms. Love to hear from a fellow sufferer. X
Bellaboo1 anxiousface
Yeah the anxiety has been the worst thing since starting peri. The tumour always had me in and out of depression but last year when peri started I thought I was literally going to die or end it all. I started peeing blood when I had a period and had really bad bladder infections because my oestrogen was so low. I went back on cabergoline after stopping them for a few months and went on anti depressants and hrt. I feel a bit better mentally but still feel like I have no future, useless and have no confidence. My hair has been falling it out for about 10 yrs, doc says that it’s prolactinoma and with peri I have all sorts of random pains in legs, chest, stomach and get acid reflux a lot. There’s so much to mention I’d be here all day. How have you coped over the years and also with peri? x
anxiousface Bellaboo1
tests but not one GP or specialist mentioned peri menopause, the conclusion was hypoglycaemic which is low sugar level and as I already suffered from low blood pressure that started to dip lower daily so I would continue to feel faint and shaky. I stopped going out alone and my world fell apart. I was in work full time but some days couldn’t get there. It’s taken till last year for me to feel myself again. 2018 I promised myself I will get me back and you must try and think like this too cos we have so much to live for, bellaboo please promise me you’ll try, it will get better but it will take time. I’m sending you an enormous comforting hug xx
Bellaboo1 anxiousface
Thank you for your kindness 💖 I keep saying that this year will be better but I keep letting my head tell me that somethings not right with my health as I physically feel so I’ll all the time. I do hope you can get better and I will keep trying as well. Take care and keep posting your progress xx
Bellaboo1 jan66332
jan66332 Bellaboo1