pityriasis or guttate psoriasis?

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Hey all,

Currently dealing with the pityriasis nightmare, on week 6. Started on my torso, then spread to my arms and legs. The spots on my arms and legs tend to come and go, but the ones on my side have been there the whole time, and have flattened out into ring-shapes and/or merged with other ones (pics attached). They're insanely itchy. Anyone else have these ring-shaped spots? Starting to worry it's guttate psoriasis and not pityriasis, so I'd love to know if these look familiar to anyone who's had pityriasis. Ordered Prreze so hopefully that'll help but god this is awful. Thanks in advance!

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5 Replies

  • Edited

      Hi, I currently have pityriasis and am a long term suffere of psoriasis, my pityriasis is far from itchy compared to my psoriasis (psoriasis itching would keep me awake at night!) are the spots very dry and flacky!? I would recommend a dermatology appointment if you haven’t had one already, also if you have had a strep infection it can trigger a guttate psoriasis flare up.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your response—did the pictures I posted look more like one or the other? Is guttate psoriasis typically ring shaped?
    • Edited

      Looks like PR from the pics. Is it on your face, or just all the rest of you?
    • Posted

      Nothing on my face—a bit around my hairline/behind my ears, but that's it. Mostly just everywhere else. I think it's starting to fade...started Prreze and went to the tanning booth a couple times, and while it's still there, the patches seem to be lighter in color and flattening out. There's also borders of flaky skin in a circle on each patch, which I read somewhere is indicative of PR and not psoriasis. Fingers crossed I'm in the last stretch of this!

  • Posted

    Hi @johncole91 ... I know it's been a while since your original post, but I've been dealing with this exact same issue for around 2 months now. I have no idea where it came from or why, but my spots look almost exactly the same and are all over my torso and back. It's driving me crazy and I have no idea what to do.

    I'm hoping you can help me out. I've spoken to many medical professionals and have yet to receive any clear diagnosis, but I'm thinking it's either guttate psoriasis or PR. It's really not itchy at all -- just highly embarrassing and causing me lots of stress.

    Did you receive an official diagnosis? And how long did it take before your spots went away? Did you do any specific treatments? I've used steroid creams and tried a couple different antibiotics with no luck. Any information would help. Thanks in advance from a fellow sufferer!

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