Pityriasis Rosea finally going: here are my tips
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Hi everyone!
I am currently into my fourth week of horrible pityriasis rosea and my rash is finally starting to go. I wanted to share my experiences with you as I am certain I have found a cure. Four weeks ago I had a herald spot on my neck and within a week my whole neck was covered in an itchy sore rash. It then moved onto my stomach and sides and breasts and I was covered. It got to the point where the rash was very painful and I couldn't do any exercise or have hot showers as it made it too sore. I went to the doctors for the second time and they prescribed me some creams that have honestly made this all go away in less than 48 hours!! I got menthol aqueous cream (a cream that you apply in the shower like a body wash which you then wash off and has a cooling effect), Betnovate steroid cream, which you apply to dry skin, and then E45 Hydrocortisone cream, which you apply very sparingly to the affected areas (be careful with this as it can thin your skin so only use a small amount, also you can get this over the counter you dont have to get it prescribed). I refrained from doing any exercise and had cold showers for two days, alongside using all of these products twice and no lie, my rash has completely disappeared. Obviously in order to get these products you have to go to your GP, but it is so worth trying it as i was miserable and within two days mine has cleared up ( I will attach pictures). I know how awful this horrible rash is and just wanted to share with you all these amazing creams and the effects of them. Good luck to everyone on their rosea journey, it gets better!!
- The first picture is my rash two days ago at its worse and the second picture was my rash when I woke up this morning.
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Katie8768 louise18056
Omg, this pityriasis roses is worse than chicken pox
I am in agony right now and found your post. Its been 2 weeks for me. Started steroid cream after one week. It seemed like it was getting better, but then it started spreading again! Now its on my entire body arms and legs too and its sooo f***ing itchy!!! I just want to rip my skin off and run out the door, I can't even take it. I'll have to try the head and shoulders but I can't believe other people didn't get itchy?!
louise18056 Katie8768