Please advise me ladies!
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Hi all
Has anyone taken cytalapram for menopausal anxiety and depression?
Im just post meno and really struggling.
Im reluctant to take these meds just wanted to hear from you all x
1 like, 16 replies
Indifferent michelle97919
Personally I have stayed away from meds...but did find some more natural things that helped. Perhaps look into Bach's flower remedies. The rescue remedy really made a difference with my anxiety. I took it daily for a few months and then one day dropped it because my anxiety was no more. There are other bachs remedies that will also heal the would have to go through the list. Honestly...I took 6 different ones...two drops of each every morning. And my emotional upsets are no more. I still keep the rescue one in my purse and find it helpful the odd time...but rarely need it anymore. I suffered about 6-7 years with depression and daily anxiety until a friend introduced me to them. They can be found easily if you google it or go to bachflower
michelle97919 Indifferent
I have rescue remedy but dont find it that helpful.
I did take 5htp years ago which you get from health food shoos. It did help then so might revisit thst. It is quite expensive.
I also prefer the natural route.
My family are pushing me towards HRT im post meno now.
I think they have had enough of me lol.
I had a 10 year peri hell and was so hoping it would get better post.
Sad to say it hasnt as yet.
My mum keeps telling me it will settle eventually im currently 14 months no period.
Bloods confirmed my ovaries have shut down.
When does it ever end i just dont know x
Indifferent michelle97919
I have heard good things about 5htp. I have never tried it though. If it works for you it will probably be better if you are more into the natural way. Peri was terrible for me. I am not anywhere near actual menopause yet. 49 and still regular periods. The last couple of months spotting between a week after period. But feeling great this past year and a half. From 40 to 47 were horrible for me. I am hoping none of that ever comes back. I have done it natural all the way. It wasn't easy...but from the posts on isn't when going the HRT route either.
michelle97919 Indifferent
Yes i do not want to go on HRT although my doctor told me its the only thing that will work?
My argument was
What happems when i have to stop it because you cant be on it for life?
And as i didnt do well on birth control pills which are hormones what if i cant find the right one?
Hence he said go down the AD route.
Im not against AD at all and if i need to i will take them.
But my stubborn self just keeps plodding on hoping for the day it gets better.
I think my husband would tell me to take anything right now if it fixed me my grown up kids also.
Im actually fed up with myself.
But i just keep thinking this is a natural process right?
Does it actually need fixing.
Or do people just need more education on the change? x
Sassyr12a michelle97919
Hi Michelle
I get that it's a big decision. My reasoning was, I wouldn't be anxious if it wasn't for my hormones so why wouldn't I treat the real issue? I am on bhrt and have no intention of coming off anytime soon, but my plan was to get the hormone levels back up and the see what the anxiety was like. I've been on them since March and so far haven't needed an AD and keep it ticking over. You don't have a mental health issue, you have a hormone problem and AD isn't going to address the issues that come along with meno like osteoporosis, heart disease, endocrine issues, libido, vaginal issues, utis etc. For me, it's just as important to get the hormones balanced using hrt or equivalent and it's a risk worth taking. But we are all absolutely different, and you have to go with what you're comfortable with xxx
Indifferent michelle97919
I know...the whole thing is a catch 22. Hormones will rebalance if you find the right one...but you have to go off sometime...and then what happens? I have no idea either. Which is why I just wallowed through the process. It was hard! I almost left my husband almost left our marriage. I was so stuck at home with anxiety. There were days I didn't get out of bed. There were weeks I got nothibg done around the house. I felt terrible about all of it. But then I decided I was not going to fight it anymore. I was not going to add stress by thinking of myself badly for what I couldn't get done. It just didnt get done...who cares? I learned to pamper myself more...hubby learned to pamper me more. Our marriage has actually blossomed through what we thought was going to tear us apart. So far so good. The anxiety does go away. Cammomile takes the edge off. I drink lots of wine...I never drank before this, lol! We bought a hot tub recently...relaxation! We bought a massager to take away all those sore muscles. Bubble baths...good books...and the best thing Idid was ditch all forms ofbsocial media. Wow...that took all the clutter out of my brain! Find things that work for you. Its your time...let your family know that. They can do for you for once in thier lives.
michelle97919 Indifferent
Lovely reply.
Ive been married 30 years but feel numb to everyone.
You seem to have a great plan x
Sassyr12a michelle97919
Hello Michelle
I took them a long time ago for depression, and they were good. I tried them twice more over the years for anxiety but found they made me feel worse, and I just couldn't push past it. I'm sure I'm just sensitive to everything, as lots of people take them with no issues. Xx
AnnieL4 michelle97919
Not for menopause Michelle, but have used them a good few years back for anxiety/depression and found them fantastic. Don't recall having any side effects(apart from a few extra pounds!)but overall, found them helpful and at the time, like a miracle. Would not hesitate to take them again if needed x
michelle97919 AnnieL4
I appreciate your feedback x
Louise4586 michelle97919
I have done of a lot of research online and opinion is very mixed. I think the only way to find out is to try for yourself. Some people seem to struggle when they come off them so also consider that. Good luck xxxx
mrs_martini michelle97919
Hi. I am taking Citalopram 10mg. I haven't been diagnosed with the peri or menopause - my doctor has prescribed it for health anxiety. Been taking it for 4 weeks and I'm feeling so much better. Doctor said there weren't any side effects and I could come off it whenever I wanted to. I didn't want to feel like I was and this has made me feel back to my old self...
Guest michelle97919
Hi Michelle, There’s no harm in giving them a try. Give it a few weeks and see. I tried Lexapro for 3 months, then I decided it wasn’t for me. I stuck it out past the side effects and came off. I am now on a low dose of amitripyline for migraines and vertigo ...which is also an anti depressant. I am on day 4 and ready to toss them, because it seems like the sude effects are the very problem they are prescribed for! but I will stick it out for now. I know you are afraid of the side effects. But, everything has a risk. If your choices are hrt or antidepressant and you are worried about guess would be that the AD would be the way to go. It’s awful how we have to pick our poison. Good luck! 😉