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im 26 years old female
it first started with nasuea 3 months ago ive had nasuea on and off i was put in the e.r because i couldnt eat anything but i didnt throw up . i was put on portonix 40mg for 4 weeks and came off of it because i felt ok .
after a week i started to feel this weird uncomfrtable feeling on my left side below rib around that area that got worse within a month then i lost my appetite and am back on protonix
ive been losing weight i try to eat 3 meals a day 2 small ones and a medium meal at the end of the night i have nasuea when i wake up and i have to poo i only poo once a day i
i also seen blood in my poop the other day after i had a large load
i just tested postive for h pylori ?
can this be cancer or im so stressed out and worried did i wait too long ??
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jan34534 sue88071
H. pylori can cause those those symptoms it’s quite common and the patient is usually put on antibiotics to get rid of the H pylori. H. pylori is a bacteria found in the stomach. That’s why they give antibiotics. Did you get any?I also had the uncomfortable feeling below the left rib and took omeprazole. I had an endoscopy done which showed gastritis which is an inflammation of the stomach. It can be due to stress and anxiety. if the blood in your stool was bright red it’s usually caused by straining and breaking tiny little blood vessels in the rectum which is not anything to be concerned about. It’s very common for that to happen and it happens to millions of people all the time including myself.
cancer does not occur that quickly. it takes much longer than the three months you have been feeling this way. There are plenty of other non-serious reasons this could be happening.
follow up with your doctor so that you can get to the bottom of this. Having an endoscopy would show what’s going on. It may be gastritis like what I had. discuss with your doctor antibiotics and a possible endoscopy, ultrasound scan or CT scan. I actually preferred getting the endoscopy because the CT scan involves radiation. and anyway you’ll be OK just relax and don’t let your mind get control by thinking negative fearful thoughts. Most of whatever we worry about never actually happens.
also keep your meals on the small side. You can have four or five a day but don’t have a meal that is large because that brings on symptoms . stay away from acidic foods such as junk foods, pop, red meats, most dairy foods, etc. You can find a list online. Hope you feel better soon!
deb36125 jan34534
I am having a digestive problem myself. In September I noticed this odd discomfort to the left of my belly button. I was like a twist or knot or raw feeling that was always there. I could still sleep at night, but it was right back in the morning. I didn't consider it digestive at the time. Then I got severely constipated. So much so like I have never been before. So in the middle of September I went to the ER because I was scared I had a blockage of some sort. My CT scan with contrast came back normal except for some retained stool because of the constipation. They gave me a bottle of citrate of magnesium and sent me on my way. A week later I developed a terrible headache in my temple. It was a shocking jolt of a pain and it lasted for 4 days and I went to a doctor in my network that was not my regular doctor because my regular doctor was "double booked". This doctor gave me prednisone and told me it was a neuralgia. Three days later I broke out in the shingles rash on my forehead and scalp. During this time that nagging pain in my side went away, and it stay away or was barely noticeable. I thought it was related to the shingles in some way because it was on the same side and I thought it may be in the same nerve path. I saw a gastroenterologist in October and scheduled an endoscopy and colonoscopy for the end of October just to be thorough. When it came time to do the prep for the colonoscopy I called the office about a question I had with the prep and I mentioned that I had had the shingles but they were scabbed over. The nurse put me on hold and when she came back she said the anesthesiologist didn't want to sedate me with the shingles. I was really mad, but I rescheduled for December which was the soonest they had. In the meantime the pain in my side was becoming a nuisance it was burning and moving up to my stomach. My stomach was burning as well, and even though it wasn't a hard pain it was feeling raw and annoying. The test center called in December and rescheduled the test again! This time for January. I was getting depressed and furious at the same time. I went back to the ER and they did another CT scan of my abdomen. It not only was with contrast but with some sort of drink that would help define my intestines. It was negative, but the ER doctor insisted I keep the appointment for the colonoscopy and endoscopy. I had to reschedule them for January and February! I called my GP the next day to make an appointment and he thinks I have an ulcer. He contacted his gastro friend and I am at least having the endoscopy on Tuesday. My bowel habits are back to normal, but they tested my stool in the ER for occult blood and it was negative. But when I did an at home test it came back positive for the occult blood. I am confused an nervous, and I just want some answers. Could this burning in my stomach and on my left side be gastritis or something worse? On a side note I do take a blood pressure pill that has very high incidence of gastro problems. It is called olmesartin or Benicar is the brand name. I am hoping that this med is the cause and not cancer etc. I can always go on another blood pressure med, but what damage is it doing? There is a lot of reports about lawsuits when you google the pill due to gastro damage and I don't want that either. I hope the endoscopy on Tuesday shows something and then I will schedule the colonoscopy. Thank you for listening and letting me vent my frustration. Give me all the advice or recommendations as needed.
joshuapryce1987 sue88071
Its not cancer, blood can come out with the stools, when we eat too much or do not drink enough or we eat lots of fats and drink lots of sugar, try warm, salty water.
anne53212 joshuapryce1987
strange advice there.. are you just on here for a laugh or something?